Original Post
Want Help In GTA SA!!!Plz Help
i play it on ps2
i am playing this game for a long time and a few days ago i reached the level ''verdant meadow'' in which i had to buy a abandoned airfield...
i bought it and after that i am not getting a single mission and just getting some useless calls

plz help me
Listen to your phone.

[Evil] is recruiting!

<DesiTwist> terty plays tb with the ghost turned off, uke turned off and uses that mouse with the ball in it
First, you always have to follow a simple checklist of gaming questions involving bugs or problems:
1. Did you check the internet for a question similar to this?
2. Did you email the game provider about it?
3. Think first before asking. Humanity made society before technological advances, what about you?
4. Inspect YouTube videos or walkthroughs, and see if you missed a step.
Check all of this. In the meanwhile, I will try to figure out your problem

I almost usually see numbers 2 and 4 being helpful, and 3 being the best of them all.
Last edited by galilsnap; Jul 21, 2010 at 08:37 AM.
you probably missed something if i remember right you get call from woooooozie he tells ya hes makin dat casinoand wants you to check it out im not sure if there was icon for it but i think there was... yeah yesterday i was hunting for bigfoot on ps2 and then ces called me just when i was makin jetpack cheat code so i got jetpack and call guess what happened O.O bigfoot came and ate me nono not rly that call just bugged that it goed too fast but lckily cesar calls his pal other time xD
Whats Cookin? Smells Like... Burnt Otsel? WAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!
once you purchase the property, get on the pcj 600 motorcycle and drive off to the office. You should get a cutscene where you talk on the phone with Toreno. Then you go to the TV op to do the flight test.
1. Did you check the internet for a question similar to this?i did but found nothing
2. Did you email the game provider about it?no
4. Inspect YouTube videos or walkthroughs, and see if you missed a step...
oo i forgot about that test... after u do that test u got calls and mission for sure! the office is on same side as those hangars. and watch out for catalina prank call shes really nuts
Whats Cookin? Smells Like... Burnt Otsel? WAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!