Original Post
Altitude: fun,multiplayer action!
Altitude is a fun, original multiplayer game with a bunch of cool unlocks and game modes. It's easy to learn and perfect for quick 10 minute sessions when you're busy, or way longer if you're bored. Very fun multiplayer action. Make sure to try ball mode once you've learned the basics.

Free 3 hour demo: Windows, Mac, Linux, Steam
(If you use the above links you'll automatically friend me in-game, if you hate me just paste altitudegame.com into your browser)

Screenshots: 01 02 03 04 05

This game is a ton of fun to play, small download, runs on just about any system, Windows/Mac users can play on the same servers, perfect for quick 10-20 minute spurts if you're busy, and basically everyone needs to play it. Just download the free demo already, you'll be glad you did.

More info including trailer: altitudegame.com

PS.if enough people from tb want to play,we should think about starting a clan.
Last edited by Rustler; Jul 17, 2010 at 07:20 PM.
I’ll rip a tree out the ground and flip it upside down
‘fore I turn over a new leaf clown
I played this like, a year ago.
Pretty good game, but I don't think it's worth the price. I got good with a speedy biplane with the heavy cannon (sniper) and gats that made you fly back. But it wouldn't be a game I'd be coming back to that much.
Worst game ever-


FFFF- and so I'm not banned or something ridiculous;

I played it on steam there was a free weekend thing, and me and everyone on my friends list and any other sanible person stopped within 2minutes and deleted it XD
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