Original Post
I hereby claim ownership of DjFishCake
[23:26] <DjFishcake> why would you want to buy me fish? D:
[23:27] <~Fish> derp
[23:27] <~Fish> you are already a fish
[23:27] <DjFishcake> so?
[23:28] * Fish captures DjFishCake
[23:28] <~Fish> haha!
[23:28] <~Fish> you're mine now.
[23:31] <~Fish> DjFishCake:

He doesn't belong here. Time to reunite him with his own kind.

I am sorry but this is for his own good.
[23:32] <DjFishcake_> oh damn..
[23:32] <DjFishcake> helP!
[23:32] <~Fish> HAhahahaha
[23:32] <DjFishcake> lets make a deal
[23:33] <DjFishcake> I'll post more in the fish and you let me go?
[23:33] <DjFishcake> *puppy eyes*
[23:33] <~Fish> maybe after you start posting
[23:33] <DjFishcake> (this is the part where you "bawww" and let me go)
[23:33] <~Fish> You need to spend more time in the ocean
[23:33] <~Fish> with your own kind
[23:34] <~Fish> DjFishCake_: you should make that deal with me in the thread
[23:34] <~Fish> ;D
[23:34] <DjFishcake> : /
[23:35] <~Fish> Mmmmmm
[23:35] <DjFishcake> I'm more of an aquarium fish
[23:35] <~Fish> Wait
[23:35] <~Fish> thats not right
[23:35] <~Fish> you should be free
[23:35] <~Fish> not stuck in a tank
[23:36] <DjFishcake> D:
[23:36] <~Fish> Did [sexy] put you in a tank?
[23:36] <~Fish> >:O
[23:36] <DjFishcake> Y?
[23:36] <~Fish> DID THEY!?
[23:36] <DjFishcake> but fishcakes are like to be eaten
[23:36] <DjFishcake> so in the tank - to the oven - to the plate
[23:36] <DjFishcake> I dunno
[23:36] <DjFishcake_> I never asked
[23:36] <DjFishcake> I just found myself in this tank
[23:37] <DjFishcake> with my trusty laptop
[23:37] <~Fish> ohhh now I remember
[23:37] <~Fish> I put you there
[23:37] <~Fish> and you cant get out until you start posting on your laptop

Like I say, this is for his own good.
[23:49] <DjFishcake> btw where do fishes come from?
[23:49] <DjFishcake> D:
[23:49] <@Fish> eggs
[23:50] <@Fish> ishi and I get together and do stuff
[23:50] <@Fish> then later she lays some eggs
[23:50] <@Fish> Thats where all my children come from
[23:51] <DjFishcake> I knew that
[23:52] <DjFishcake> aint ishi a guy?
[23:53] <@Fish> no
[23:53] <@Fish> ishi is my wife
[23:53] <DjFishcake> Fish?
[23:54] <@Fish> yeeesss?
[23:54] <@Fish> lol
[23:54] <@Fish>
[23:54] <DjFishcake> Ishi is a guy
[23:54] <DjFishcake> I know that
[23:54] <DjFishcake> somehow
[23:55] <@Fish> no
[23:55] <@Fish> remember how I told you that everything you know is wrong?
[23:55] <DjFishcake> pics?
[23:55] <@Fish> sec
[23:55] == ishi [] has joined #Fish
[23:55] <@Fish> here you go
[23:55] <ishi> you called darling?
[23:55] <@Fish> yes
[23:55] <@Fish> now tell DjFishCake about our love
[23:55] <DjFishcake> what...
[23:55] <ishi> dinner will be ready in a sec
[23:55] <@Fish> <3
[23:55] <ishi> um
[23:56] <ishi> well, its a pretty normal household
[23:56] <@Fish> mhm
[23:56] <@Fish> Ishi and I love eachother
[23:56] <DjFishcake> I want ishi to pm me : D
[23:56] <@Fish> WHAT
[23:56] <@Fish> ishi do it
[23:56] <ishi> umm... why?
[23:56] <DjFishcake> I aint believing my eyes
[23:56] <ishi> mmk
[23:57] <ishi> DjFishcake is your forum name?
[23:57] <DjFishcake> yes
[23:57] <@Fish> Isn't she a fine woman Fishcake?
[23:57] <ishi> done
[23:57] <@Fish> we have had about 20 eggs so far
[23:57] <@Fish> only 5 haven't hatched yet
[23:58] <DjFishcake> well good luck :D
[23:58] <ishi> anyway, i need to go finish up the pasta
[23:58] <@Fish> kk
[23:58] <ishi> bbl
[23:58] <@Fish> be down in a sec
[23:58] <DjFishcake> cool..
[23:58] <DjFishcake> brb dinner
[00:04] <DjFishcake> back
[00:05] <DjFishcake> yeah she is fish..
[00:05] <@Fish> you got the PM?
[00:06] <DjFishcake> yeah
[00:06] <DjFishcake> damn
[00:06] <DjFishcake> I'm jealous :D
[00:06] <@Fish> So there you have it
[00:06] <DjFishcake> : (
[00:06] <@Fish> Well if you didn't spend all your time in [sexy] you would have your own fish
[00:06] <@Fish> too bad ishi is taken

Don't worry Fishcake. You're in good hands now.