Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
[TUT] Toribash Font
Hey members.
Are you intrested in learning the font of toribash.

I will lead you step by step to get youself some toribash font.

Step I:
Open up Computer usualy located on your desk top.
Open that and search for your toribash current file.

Step II:
After opening the toribash file go to data.
Then Fonts.
Then Copy the toribash font.

Step III:
After Copying the toribash font. exit the computer window.
Then reopen the computer window.
Go to local disk. Open it.

Step IV:

after opening the local disk section.

look for window".
click and open the file.
after opening the file look for anouther file that say "Fonts" usually a file with a blue A beside it.
Open it.
The Just paste the the font.

Finishing Step:
once you have done that.
the font shoud save as badaboom BB.
once it has saved you can open it in any programe you want.
Gimp,photoshop etc.

if this tut has helped you +Rep :3

...................Unibash Teacher...................

Its not like I already did and I just like to give people I like plus rep or anything
<~legsol> (yes he is gay he is the gayest gay furry ever)