Original Post
[Event]Free videos
Yeah. I'll be making free videos to Anyone Associated With This Clan Or Friends. this is just to get me moving and grooving back to movie making.

Just post 40 or less, no more, replays and Ill do the rest.

BTW: I'm getting new editing software, so I'll be introducing some crazy new effects, make your replays sync more and improve over-all performance.

I'll use: Final Cut Studio for your videos... Google it if you wish.

Also: If you've forgotten or don't know, my Ytube channel is BashianEditor, so check out the videos I've made before.
Last edited by alert242; Jun 23, 2010 at 07:32 PM.
Well I will work on replays I might give you 5 maybe 10.
[ Fr3styL, Pandora, Secret, DP, Creamy Horse Mouths, TINT<3]
Haat's a short video. 1 minute at best if I really drag it out... I'll have a fast paced song, so maybe 15 should be the minimum.
I suck at replays now since all my replays are gone.
[ Fr3styL, Pandora, Secret, DP, Creamy Horse Mouths, TINT<3]
Clan video would be great.
And each time we recruit two or tree more you do a new and better video(just because you want to make them ), do you agree?
I'm filipe994|Heads|Items
it would be too much of a hassle for alert,but every 2 months we could make another video?
I Like Drugs
Yeah... Once I start a thread and people ask for videos, it'll be too much of a hassle. I'll make a new video for the clan every month if we get a new member that month.