Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
A Challenge
Originally Posted by Me
I've been browsing the art sections of these forums quite often recently and I've noticed a pattern. It would seem that over 90% of sets being made these days are either robots, humans/humanoids, or meaningless c4d spammed together. I find that to be a problem. No offense to anyone who makes something like that because for the most part you execute it very well.

Anyway enough of that.

Here's the "challenge". I would like for GATA members to collaborate together and make a set that isn't one of the things listed above. I mean there are so many different textures and designs that you can make a set out of from cookies, to trees, to the limits of your imagination.

Here's how I'd see it going down. First, we brainstorm for a good idea that we feel will work out well but still be somewhat challenging and force each other to think out of the ordinary. After we know what we're doing I'll take down names of people who would like to help in designing and mapping of the set. We'll pick a style we feel comfortable with and that would match the set accordingly. I think we should separate the work load in a manner similar to this; pick people who feel their strong points are mapping, lining, shading, detailing, shadowing, texturing and let them work on their designated jobs specifically.
Person 1: Lines/Maps.
Person 2: Lays down all the basic tones and colors.
Person 3: Shades.
Person 4: Adds texture.
Person 5: Adds any specific details.

Since you will only be doing one thing at a time you can get started on another piece right after you finish. I figure that this way the textures will all come out with a similar style and it won't be too straining on any one person.

After the set is done maybe it could be a "GATA set" of some sort, available to anyone in GATA who would like to use it.

So I guess we get started and come up with ideas. Even if this fails miserably (like it probably will) hopefully it will get people thinking about textures in a new direction.


Tree with some human features.

Positions that need filling:
  • Mapper - This person will map out the general idea of the head with a rough sketch and make sure that everything is appropriately sized and in it's right place before handing it off to the next person. Can be done quickly as long as it gets the point across and is ready for lining.
  • Liner - Someone to make black somewhat "cartoony" outlines to serve as the boundaries for colors and to accentuate the darkest shadows of the textures. Done with pentool either by vectoring or path stroking. Vectoring would be best for "iffy" parts because they can be manipulated without losing much quality.
  • Colorer - Will lay down the basic two-tone highlights and shadows for each color of the texture. Basically laying all the color down in its appropriate places for the shader to work on.
  • Shader - Shades the texture together. Must have a good grasp of lighting etc.
  • After-effects - Adds in texture and any finishing touches to make the colors/depth of the piece really pop.
Post here saying what you'd like to work on and preferably an example of your best work in that area of texturing. After all the positions are filled we will begin to work. Feel free to add in reference pictures and such to help benefit your fellow artists.

PS: I would highly prefer all who work on this to have CS1 and up. If that's a problem please post saying what program you use.
Last edited by Me; Jun 24, 2010 at 08:05 AM.
Why not hands or something, like loads of hands covering the full head. Feet covering the hands, eyes covering the feet, etc.

No, i'm not a GATA member, but I can invade without the tags because I'm coo' like that.
A true scot.
Pretty much the same as Oyster, believe it or not. And I didn't think your tree idea was that bad. I imagine that being really cool. It would have to be a bit cartoonish, with a face and such, to look even slightly normal on a tori body. Even if it was cartoonish, it would still have shading covered in awesomesauce.

<~oyster> i want you to fart near my mouth
It doesn't have to be cartoon-ish, Monobi made me a tree-like head awhile ago that definetely wasn't cartoon-ish. I can't find the thread or anything though, it was around mid-2009.
A true scot.
I didn't mean a cartoonish style, I just meant that it should have a face, which wouldn't be realistic.

<~oyster> i want you to fart near my mouth
Shading, line work. Seem to be my best area. Mapping and other things, not so great at. Also

A organic type creature perhaps? Like a plant or something.
Aka jusmi.
Originally Posted by Malvie View Post
Why not hands or something, like loads of hands covering the full head. Feet covering the hands, eyes covering the feet, etc.

I had that idea a couple of months ago and made a head out of it actually. Unfortunately, I don't think there is enough space on most of the texture areas to pull it off properly.

Originally Posted by Varkenoss View Post
Pretty much the same as Oyster, believe it or not. And I didn't think your tree idea was that bad. I imagine that being really cool. It would have to be a bit cartoonish, with a face and such, to look even slightly normal on a tori body. Even if it was cartoonish, it would still have shading covered in awesomesauce.

I was thinking the style would be something along the lines of some dark pentooling along with realistic shading and textures. Comparable to a graffito style. This would incorporate a large variety of possibilities as well as giving everybody a job :P

Originally Posted by Varkenoss View Post
I didn't mean a cartoonish style, I just meant that it should have a face, which wouldn't be realistic.

If we were to make a tree we could add like birds as eyes or something. On the other hand, if we were to make like... a set out of Jell-o or something I wouldn't mind adding eyes and such.

Originally Posted by Doxxy View Post
A organic type creature perhaps? Like a plant or something.

I think I have some pics of something I think you guys would like on my other computer. I'll post them next time I'm on.

So far good ideas but I'd like to brainstorm for another few days :P