actually pretty nice but the "S" is way to close to the actual text so the parting between each letter becomes unequal which makes it look slightly sloppy other wise ye pretty nice pentool im guessing?
As Napp said, the "S" is too close to the text. It's really just some pentooling and gloss and then text on a gradient. It's a bit too simplistic in my opinion, if you're trying to go pro you'll want a logo that really displays your ability, and you can do much better than this.
back from the dead
More banner than logo to me.
A logo is an image that represents a company of some sort. Thus I feel that there is more imaging needed. Perhaps something with that "S" in it?
Like some polygon? Dunno, just I think it needs more imagery.
Shin-Ryuu's BanGoat
Hated by all.
Yet still raped.
Zanzy's Hoe Club!
[GATA] [Inq] [doc]lover [GU] [BISH] [r]tard [Addicted]Allie [Doxa]Allie
<Malvie> Zanzaba; only for you, baby.

"Ehh, I'm sorry. I'm just being a dick."
Man... I love that kind of work you do. Like, simple, stylish and awesome. I can't describe how I loved the scorpion styled S. Just... Purely ub3r.

Logo would be SO badass if the S was a bit more like a dragon or snake. With like wings or something? I suck at logos, so it's just my amateur imagination speaking.
Gimp is Pimp(tm)

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Incognito - [o]
Well I don't like all the layers. Looks too jumbled. I personally woulda preferred just the basic shape with maybe a gradient between any colors you need. Maybe fewer burn layers too.

EDIT (Yeah I actually liked the first, cuz then you could just use the S)
Gimp is Pimp(tm)

DarkJak's Wide-Range Texture Shop[LINK]

Incognito - [o]