Original Post
How's This?
This is the info from my current laptop :

OS: Windows 7 Ultimate
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T6400 @ 2.00GHz
RAM: 3068 MB
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce G 103M
VRAM: 512 MB

Does this look like a good computer to you (from the info) ?
Last edited by hproducts; Jun 13, 2010 at 09:33 PM.
»Glow|Clow|Kyou|E4C|Kingsta|Th0rn|MrTeapawt|May0|L astGod«
It isn't bad at all, and i'm guessing it could run alot of stuff, if the ram is DDR2/DDR3 or even higher, even better!

Your specs are high enough to run crysis, so you're pretty much sorted for gaming, other than that, there is nothing bad about it.

Nice PC/Laptop .
Should go for a better CPU, 2 GHz is pretty low these days for a dual core.
Good enough to run crysis, but nowhere near maxing it out :P
not even close.

But it's good enough for regular use.

Why you wanna know? Épéen?
If you want exact, more standard stuff, download pcmark vantage and the other programs in their collection. Benchmarks your whole computer.
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Incognito - [o]
Yes it not bad. because 2.0ghz processor support DDR3 ram so its performance is good and i think this processor is just 1 year old and you can play almost game on it. and my friend have this configuration laptop and install win 7. it performance is amazing with win 7. so ultimately it nice laptop