Original Post
How is the Android Os?
So I have my pre, but it's water damaged, and if the sprint store doesn't fix it I might have to get a new phone. Now I love WebOs. It's really nice to be able to flip cards up do something else, very fast and user friendly. How is the droid? It seems more like a traditional phone which I am now completely not used to, and also don't like. I heard it can multi-task but idk how that works compared to WebOs? The specific phone I'm talking about is the HTC Evo 4g or w/e its called, so if you have it then details, if not then if you have an Android phone answer away. Thanks.
Last edited by isaac; Jun 12, 2010 at 06:07 AM.
Personally I haven't tried it. But from reading I know that the good thing is that Android OS is based on linux. So its very flexible, lightweight and can be changed to suit your needs.

The only cons with Android is that google is behind it. What's the problem with that you ask? Well I'm afraid that google is controlling/tracking way too many aspects of our lives already. That can be a danger to our privacy, even if we have nothing to hide from, its still our right to have privacy.
But anyway, thats true for any other big corporation such as Microsoft and so on.
Last edited by GenkiSudo; Jun 12, 2010 at 04:26 PM.
"There is enough on earth for everybody's need, but not for everyone's greed." - Mohandas Gandhi
Another problem is that the android OS has been split into 5 or so variants. Sure, it's not a lot right now, but the OS isn't very old either. The bad part is that often, apps for one version won't work on another, so if you do choose an android phone, get one with the newest version possible (I don't know version numbers or names so you'll have to do some searching yourself). Cuz up to now, you can't upgrade firmwares on some of the phones.
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Ya, WebOs is also linux, the other problem I see with it being google, is they aren't very good at making user friendly or clean interfaces. They're more good for the technical stuff but not making a good layout or control scheme lol.
Personally I would like to see what comes out of this:
"There is enough on earth for everybody's need, but not for everyone's greed." - Mohandas Gandhi
Ah, k guys I went to a sprint store today, they're replacing the phone with another one, I wish they would let you replace it with a different phone I am happy they are replacing it for free though...

Good news is they are giving me a free brand new one

Bad news is I really want an HTC Evo 4G Android now :/ I have like more than 1.5 years to go til I get a discount, and by then who knows how outdated it will be
Last edited by isaac; Jun 13, 2010 at 03:29 AM.