Original Post
Oh noooooooo
Something is wrong with my shaders. I can use normal shaders, but I cannot use the raytracing thingy. I'm using a macintosh with a 1.83 GHz Intel Core Duo and a Tiger/Leopard mac.

Anything I can do besides just not use shaders?
Well I also have a mac labtop, but mine is 2.4 GHz Intel Core Dou. When I run shaders and ray tracing it is 5 faps and auto closes at times.

So If it doesn't work on you, I'm assuming it is the same problem.

I suggest getting a new graphics card, if you don't know look here.
Originally Posted by Zinx View Post
Well I also have a mac labtop, but mine is 2.4 GHz Intel Core Dou. When I run shaders and ray tracing it is 5 faps and auto closes at times.

So If it doesn't work on you, I'm assuming it is the same problem.

I suggest getting a new graphics card DRIVERS, if you don't know look here.

Yup. Do that. If it still auto closes try cleaning air intake vents (one possible reason might be overheating.)
< Larfen> also my replay thread has more views than the rules thread \o/

...This probably explains most problems in this community.