Original Post
[HoLy] - Application Thread

Application Thread

The thread of initation. This is wherein players attempt to apply for the clan and members of the same timezone test him/her.

User Name:
Current Belt:
Reason for Joining:
Name of Recruiter/s:
Miscellaneous Info:
Greenwitch Meantime (GMT):
Replays: Attach at least two SP (single player) & one MP (multiplayer)

Minimum required belt is Blue Belt, unless if you possess great skills.
If you post an App. form, you will be acknowledged who will test you.
If you are successfully accepted in our clan, you are to be redirected to the Must-Know thread.

In the day of the death of DIAF, all undoubtebly believed that its warriors
shared the same fate as the clan. Reassured now it has turned to fact,
they have long forgotten them and lived on through their lives... until now.

Two deceased warriors of DIAF, pure of heart and mind, whose names are Iceman and Cloren,
were resurrected by God to be given another chance in exchange of a responsibility: To
redeem the world from evil. To prepare them for their task, God forged sacred wings and implanted
them on their backs, giving them the ability to fly. God restored
their Mastery of Fire and amplified it by making it sacred. God has also give them new
and extraordinary powers as well as equipment made sacred.

Looking foward that their ready, God disappeared into thin air, undoubtebly sure that they can
do the task without His assistance.

Iceman decided along with Cloren to resurrect a few worthy deceased DIAF to join their quest
unto redeeming the world. They did exactly the same thing that God did to them, with the exception
for disappearance.

As soldiers in God's army and the redeemers of the world, they called themselves the HoLy clan
and its members the Angels, Principalities, Virtues, Dominions, Cherub, and Seraph.
They so set forth to redeem the world from evil and restore the world to its balance.
As they flew their first, Iceman battle-cried out "We are coming".


Username :: Rank/Position
AiroBlinn :: Leader
JesseBean :: Co-Leader
TheUsurper :: Thread Supervisor
3169pwn3r :: Recruit Supervisor
firebolt309 :: Recruit Supervisor
terryquan :: Member
Sparrow101 :: Member
RiGuyFry :: Member
Iceman21 :: Member
12sea21 :: Member

If you wish to see the full details of our members, visit the Member List.
Last edited by AiroBlinn; Jul 2, 2010 at 06:02 PM.
GMT +8:00
why age? we don't really need to know each others age...not really anyway.
you can if you want
~ The HoLy Burning Death Plague Angel ~ GMT +10
i should also have how many members we have
12sea21 doesn't post anymore? cos haven't seen him around >.>
~ The HoLy Burning Death Plague Angel ~ GMT +10
User Name:alin334
Current Belt:Black Belt
Reason for Joining:To help the clan to be the best
Name of Recruiter/
Miscellaneous Info: good at wushu
Greenwitch Meantime (GMT):+2
Replays: Attach at least two SP (single player) & one MP (multiplayer): i dont save any replay if u want to see me come and play;)