Original Post
We will not have a general chat thread, new threads can be made for each subject
Post what's on your mind. Idle chit-chat and off topic discussion goes here!
Maybe because you weren't supposed to make them. :|

Leave leadership to the leaders. We do all the leader stuff. I don't care if we go a full day without any stickies, this is mine and Cretor's project, and we're going to be the leaders. The council account is for you to be a council, and moderate while both Cretor and I are away.
Which is something the leaders are supposed to do.

Do not use the council account's moderation powers without prior approval. (All council members.)
Yes. I don't care how stupid you may think it is, but this is something that Cretor and I have wanted to do for quite a long time, and we are going to do it properly. If you decide to use the council's moderation powers again without consent, that's fine. I'll just change the password and remove you from the council. We're not going to become Doxa.
Anyway, now that everyone knows you're a council member, I may as well remove the others' anonymity. Updating memberlist. :v