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Worst US president ever?
Discussion has gotten stale over the past few weeks, so it's about time for a new thread.
I propose that you each post who you think was the worst president in US history and your rationale for it.
I nominate FDR. I'll give my reasons for it after viewing some of your thoughts.

Heh, it was either that or invade Japan and lose not only Japanese lives but American lives also, and seeing the way that Japanese troops defended piece of shit islands in the pacific till the last man, imagine how hard they would have fought for Japan. Would have been a worse scenario if you ask me.
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Originally Posted by Galt View Post
Discussion has gotten stale over the past few weeks, so it's about time for a new thread.
I propose that you each post who you think was the worst president in US history and your rationale for it.
I nominate FDR. I'll give my reasons for it after viewing some of your thoughts.


You're gunna have to do some serious convincing. The New Deal was a good thing, to be brief.
Originally Posted by Steena View Post
Harry S. Truman for being responsible for the atomic bombings of hiroshima and nagasaki.

Yeah, the war definitely would have continued. Hirohito was quoted saying something along the lines of "we will not quit until every japanese citizen is dead"
The A-Bomb was just too scary.

The obvious answer is William Henry Harrison, who died after only 32 days.
^garblejfidlssja beflijfdsl baeufkh dsjlinuefjdsl
Definitely Reagan. He attempted to completely remove taxes which would have been disastrous for Social Security, our infrastructure and so on. The only smart move the man did is pretend to take down the soviet union when it was clearly Gorbachev, considering Gorbachev looked down the barrel of a tank during a protest and made his demands.
He's obviously SATAN!
No just playing, but I'd have to say Bush
He was a complete idiot,
"I'm going to put people in my place, so when the history of this administration is written at least there's an authoritarian voice saying exactly what happened."--George W. Bush, on what he hopes to accomplish with his memoir, as reported by the Associated Press, Calgary, Canada, March 17, 2009

Theres one of my many reasons that I hate bush.
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Originally Posted by Juntalis View Post
Reagan ended the Cold War, as well as that pilot strike that could've fucked up the US economy. Plus, he bombed Kadafi to the point where we haven't heard from him since. I don't like the man, but he got results.

I'd have to say Jimmy Carter. He gave up the Panama Canal, and thanks to him, Iran is what it is today. Interestingly enough, I actually like the man as a human being, though.

Gorby took down the soviet union, not reagan, gorby assumed reagan was a crazy retard. He did indeed end the pilot strike. Lets not forget his attempt to remove the system of taxes, social security, and all sorts of things a non-conservative could achieve completely. He was lucky he wasn't impeached for that.

ALSO, he racked up more debt then EVERY SINGLE president before him COMBINED.

Carter would have been my 2nd choice as much as i respect him as a human.
Last edited by Hyde; May 10, 2010 at 11:04 PM.
Dunno about worst, but I'm not a big fan of Nixon, Reagan, or Bush. Those three pushed our debt so high. ._.

As for Reagan ending the cold war, he didn't really. He was just in charge when the USSR folded. Hoover wasn't really responsible for the great depression, even though it happened when he was in office.
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well
Originally Posted by Juntalis View Post
You're getting into semantics, now. Reagan may not have been the best president, but his actions resulted in the end of a war that had the potential to destroy our entire planet. I personally think that raises him a few notches above Carter. In response to War:

Reagan intensified the existing arms race that existed between the US and the USSR until the Soviet Union went bankrupt. Reagan understood that a communist country could never outspend a capitalist country, and as a result, used that understanding to take them out. I believe the documents that spoke to that effect were declassified back in 2004.

We are still in debt by his actions and so is the soviet union. He spent so much money on weapons and forced the USSR to do the same while all that money could have been spent on science and we could have found treatments for some of the most lethal diseases and advanced even more as a social race dependent on each other to further our existence.

Would you rather have 2 countries with a massive reservoir of weapons that can kill each person in the world 10 times over or would you have a cure for cancer, HIV, Diabetes, and so forth?