Original Post
Maybe my last thread in toribash
Hey guys

if you ask yourself who i am i am an old member of FL
Im not anymore in this clan but i still want to say goodbye for the beautiful times i had in this clan. I am maybe gonna be permabanned and if that happens i am gonna leave toribash. Chac needs to give me time till friday! . I am crying because i loose all my good friends and my clan and all toribash and i loose my tori what i worked on 1 year for ever. so if he bans me i write my last thread in wibbles or somewhere idk ill tell you then and ill say goodbye to each of my friends etc. Ill hope you understand me

Yours, C.

EDIT: Forgott check this out for more informations
Last edited by Cobra; May 8, 2010 at 02:29 PM.
Oh that's just to bad man
Them girls only know three words, stop, no and don't! No my brotha, you go them word backwards, they always tell me, no don't stop!

I remember when you had to pay for a name and a headtexture and everyone else was called playerId, that was good times!
Proud Member of Flawless

wushu is like ride an bicycle.. you cant forget it
// Callejon77

Save baby tori!!!
Buying anything with that bought tc before sending the euros wasn' Really, if you were just a bit more patient and wrapped up that deal first, none of this would have happened. Selling the bear before shooting it isn't a good idea.

Fuck I'm an asshole.

Honestly, those are my thoughts.
*enter signature here*