Original Post
{Auction} Four Headtextures. All in 512x.

For all heads
Min Bid: 5k
Min raise: 2k
Autobuy: See Below
Ends 48 hours after last bid.
Made in 512x.

Highest Bid: Sold!

Highest Bid: Sold!

Highest Bid: 5k
Autobuy 10k!

Highest Bid: Sold!

To bid, just say the Number of the head and the amount you're bidding. Also I will do recolors, but just simple ones please;
like changing red to blue or yellow to cyan not green to Hunter or grey to Azurite.
Have fun bidding!

The textures shown in the following preview(s) are in 256x256/512x512 pixel resolution. In order to use the resolution shown in the preview, you MUST have the corresponding high-resolution texture item, available in the Torishop for 10,000/20,000TC.
Last edited by JinxZ; May 10, 2010 at 11:40 PM.

Autobuys for the last head and the second head have been denied. Also, PsyTrance the last highest bid on the fourth head was 9k. Sorry for being late to update, I was gone for most of the day on a school trip.

Edit: @MetalMario, There's no need to, PsyTrance's bid was denied.
Last edited by JinxZ; May 8, 2010 at 03:01 AM.
