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Кодовое имя:ruen
Перевод лучших русских статей, с последующей публикацией на оф. форуме.
Статус: Поиск людей с превосходным знанием английского, а также статей для перевода.
Требуются: Люди, знающие английский язык, а также куратор для поиска статей.
Переведенные статьи:
Valetudo by MarkMad - [RuTeam]Valetudo (mini-guide) - EvgenG 15k

SP Баланс - [RuTeam]SP Balance - SIR995 15k

Это пожалуй самый легкий заработок для тех кто знает английский язык. Нужен куратор для поиска статей.

Пожалуйста, постите ссылки со статей которые вы беретесь переводить. А также повторяйте выделения которые делал автор, мне самому все это делать не очень интерестно
Last edited by Korvin; May 30, 2010 at 11:58 AM.
я нормально знаю английский, если что мама поможет
/\V/\ORMO/\V/\ Pulse Fan /\V/\ NutHug Fan --

Я в свое время пахал переводчиком на рукиперов))) Так что я могу переводить)) Главное скажите что именно - я переведу))
ну, скажем так.
перевел без спроса статейку рыбы по сп балансу

Pose at the end of the replay adorns it, makes it complete. The poses are different, usually they all are static (fixed). This course will teach you probably the most difficult type of the poses - balance.
In balance you stand on your feet (much less frequently - on hands). When you balance you should have no more than two points of support - that is, standing on one leg is a balance, and on your feet and hands - isn't.

How to stand in the balance?
I will describe the balance in Sambo (-30).

To begin with we will consider two examples:

1. You do not stand on your feet.
2. You are already standing on your feet, but because of the inertia you are falling.

To better understand the links have illustrations in the form of replays.

So, for the balance you need to get on your feet, respectively, now we will consider the first example. Of course, each case is individual, but in principle you need to do the following:
1) In theory: stand up and touch with your feet the ground.
Virtually: the most easy way is to push with a hand (your legs are free).

Now you are standing on the legs, but you are still falling.
How to keep a balance?

2) In theory: get rid of the inertia in every way.
In practice: to start, you can simply pull the legs in the direction of motion, it'll slow you down.
Important: The combination extend hips & contract abs with the hands laid back works very well. So the body is in balance.
Also, work with your hands/feet. It is very important. Divert your hands back or shift them forward to control the weight. To make the pose look nice, do everything that's necessary before landing on your legs. Feet should always be fully on the ground - for that relax them as soon as you landed or extend them and then relax for a couple of frames.

A small digression.
Foot in the relaxation absolutely can not withstand the weight.
Feet in hold can keep upright standing body, if it does not move.
Contracted foot allows the body to fall forward.
Extended foot raises body or pushes it back.

And, finally, a few tips on how to make balance more beautiful.
1. Do not move, or at least reduce the amount of movements to a minimum, when you have already stood in the balance.
2. Experiment with lumbar and chest. My personal opinion is that equal "back" looks the best.
3. Head position plays a role in pose. Try to bend and unbend the neck.
4. Do not unbend your elbows, relax them. It will look natural and won't destroy the balance.

That's all, hope this FAQ really helped you.
Good luck

Last edited by sir; May 9, 2010 at 10:27 PM.
корв, с 4бб переводить статьи наши всякие разные качественные? Или ты сам выдашь список?
сорри за даблпост, но тема выглядит забытой
ну то что я перевел мб хоть постанем куда нить?) фак то неплох сам по себе
или я лоханулся и такие уже были? xD