Original Post
+I reporting!
so....i wanted 2 same flames... and i saw lordxdeath he look good flame creator so i ask him create 2 same flames black.... i offer him 84k and head flame.... i ask picture but he didin't show me and promise create really good flame.... i send him items... he give me one shitty flame.... it was totally shit.... i send him back and ask re changes.... i send him flame but he didin't send anything back.... so i talk with him 3 days and he didin't send me anything... even that shitty flame.... he always sad "i dont care u dont wanna it so i keep all" and etc.... so plz admins do something... i need my items back becouse now im like poor guy... Peace!
Last edited by Fee; Apr 19, 2010 at 05:58 PM.
LordxDeath already reported that case in that thread.

Originally Posted by LordxDeath View Post
Hi, There is a guy called TheTygerLT
He sent me 84k and a head flame, and he told me to forge a void flame to me
He didnt say what kind of void flame
So i forged him one, the he said he didnt like it, and sent it back saying send back the money
but I already spent the money
It is his fault he didnt explain properly
And he's pm me saying I'll get banned

I had a similar problem a few months ago, but KiTFox said its ok and I didnt do anything wrong

Originally Posted by KiTFoX View Post
LordxDeath: not your problem if he gave you a vague description and sent you the money up front. you're fine.


Fura: What can I say? The pure definition of cool <3 ~BirdFlu

<RedDevil> Is it strange that Fura is the only regular Wibbler I like
Ohey look over there, a dancing dinosaur. :D
hanz0: The betting bot isn't programmed to scam anyone.

Fee: Fura you are fucking awesome.
lordxdeath took all the flames all the money and tygerlt got nothing really fair u moderators
Do it with style or don't even bother doing it.
dont fuck my brains..... he stole from me 130k...! and all items in his inventori... and my all flames and tc.... and that maked flame....
Hey emm I think LordxDeath should send tyger the flame back if he forged the flame for him^^

if not its realy scamming :l
the deal was stupid yes but it is tygers fault but the lordxdeath took EVERYTHING
Do it with style or don't even bother doing it.
he sad he forge 2 normal... not 1 peace of shit... so i send him back... and he have all of my items... forged flame , my head flame and my money