Original Post
My future
So I have a pretty large amount of time to make up my mind, but It urks me that I don't know what it is I want to do with my life, career wise. I'm really interested in the cosmos, and the unknown. I'm not entirely sure how I could make a living at that, though. I would love to do law. Not sure where I would start on that one. I play music, and could get many scholarships for my participation in band, but a life of music doesn't seem that fulfilling to me. I mean, chances are Ill find some other hobby in the 3 years I have left in high school, but Id like to be overly prepared either way. Any suggestions?
You could become a lawyer.

You could become an astronomer, or a scientist.

I really like art, and go to an art school on Thursdays. I don't really know what I want to be either, and don't think art is a job that would financially support me well. Goodluck :P

You should ask your school's guidance counselor(s).
Law, thats easy, go into Law school. You ponder trhe cosmos? Want to make money? Are you good at writing? Then become a philospher, if not find a 9 to 5 job and live life like the rest of us, sadly... O please fuck what I said, make somthing of your self and prove this god dam world wrong that you can do what ever you want no matter who you are.
SuicideDo - Dorrie stands for
Damn Outrageous Reefer Ripping Instrument Extreme
I have a pretty strong aspiration to do more than the standard 9-5 task based work. Astronomer sounds nice, but involves many grants, and risk if you want to make any money. There's also alot of moving around involved. Then again, I dont really want to stare at what someone has already gazed upon. I'm still considering the whole lawyer thing, but I don't have very much confidence in my debating abilities.

I remember reading in a book, that the majority of Earth's caves were undiscovered. This fascinated me, and I wanted for the longest time to just go out and find what nobody else had. I think that may be a drive of mine.