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Maplestory look alikes?
Can some one show me some maplestory look alikes? I have a mac
So I cant play the regular one

Can someone plz help me find a Maplestory look alike that will run on a mac?

My name's Mr. Cupcake.
Why would you want to play anything like maplestory?

But if you like self-loathing, try LaTale or Wonderking.

I've played them all besides Windslayer
so i'll give that a try.
Last edited by ChrisDom; Apr 12, 2010 at 06:55 AM.
[10:17][10:50] <diskimage> Where can I find the Toribash license?

If you have access to a Game Boy Advance, or the ability to play GBA games, you should check out Summon Knight. Its not online, but the fighting is almost exactly like MS.
theres a game that looks like maple story.
but i forgot whats its name i think its starts from the word ghost
Got Cra..i mean uh...Cranberries?
Pretty much the only good ones you will find are the one in ChrisDom's post, i'm not sure if you can get them for a mac though.

I'm sure if you really want to play maplestory and other games like it you can buy a really cheap laptop because the specs are not demanding at all, I have a spare crap laptop that my friend uses to play maplestory whenever he comes over.
Originally Posted by ChrisDom View Post
Why would you want to play anything like maplestory?

But if you like self-loathing, try LaTale or Wonderking.

I've played them all besides Windslayer
so i'll give that a try.

ive tried all 3 of these, and the only one worth playing is wonderking, and that one isnt even that good. la tale and windslayer are both shit-translated japanese games that you can barely understand. just try maplestory.

i just did a quick search on google for "maplestory on mac" and i found this
please dont be so lazy