Original Post
Free SuperHero games?
Hi there. I need you to tell me some free superhero mmorpg's... and oh yeah, I have a mac

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

If I made this in the wrong board I apologize...
My name's Mr. Cupcake.
correct place, just not that many titles.

The only super hero MMORPG I know of you have to pay. But damn, it's good. I can't remember what it's called but search super hero MMORPG, I'm sure there is a trial.
My seniority means you should probably just agree with everything I say
I don't know of any but i'm pretty sure ivolt is talking about city of villians/heroes or some shit like that.

[Auction].::Full Demo Set::.
~TheElement Signature WingFlame
cool. Ill try that link in the morning! (its 12:20 AM) I gta go to sleep ;)

also, I saw "city of heroes" but I didnt see a demo :/

edit - god damit! I waited like 1.5 hours for it to dowload. Then it didnt work on a mac! damit!
Last edited by Nermado; Apr 11, 2010 at 06:43 PM.
My name's Mr. Cupcake.