Original Post
Does anyone else only feel alive twisting their limbs to the syncopated rhythyms of infinetly chopped up, pitched, stuttered dance music? Is there anything more soothing than strobe lights and horror movie samples at 360bpm ?
whatever... anyone else wanna rant about breakcore?
Breakcore sucks. In fact, pretty much everything-core sucks.

Venetian Snares - Rossz Csillag Alatt Szueletett is the best breakcore album, IMO.

Breakcore is awesome, haven't really checked out any other artists other than Xanopticon, but from what I've been watching it can be really amazing.

@TommyTank: Lol'd

Just checked out Venetian Snares, shit's awesome. Orchestra, glitch, and bass are a great mix.

Lockjaw is still one of my favorite songs though.
Boring genre.

No, it's not "not boring" just because it's noisy and stressful. Each to his own though, I guess.
/ignoring madras

i dig venetian snares, saw him live last year and i do have to agree Rossz Csillag Alatt Szueletett is hard to beat. i also really enjoyed a japanese dude playing a gameboy live to create some sweet sweet music... forgot his name though.
drum and bass, dubstep, grime, jungle etc. have been called boring, dead many a times... why would you listen to it and or comment on it if you dont care for it?
my brains says it likes the massage.
Originally Posted by Yukio View Post
/ignoring madras

i dig venetian snares, saw him live last year and i do have to agree Rossz Csillag Alatt Szueletett is hard to beat. i also really enjoyed a japanese dude playing a gameboy live to create some sweet sweet music... forgot his name though.
drum and bass, dubstep, grime, jungle etc. have been called boring, dead many a times... why would you listen to it and or comment on it if you dont care for it?
my brains says it likes the massage.

Actually, I like all of those genres. Perhaps jungle, not so much, but I still think that Breakcore is really something that would generally sound a lot better if it was played at fewer BPM's. Just my personal preference really, and like I said, you have yours, and I didn't steep low enough to criticize your taste in music.
Originally Posted by Madras View Post
Actually, I like all of those genres. Perhaps jungle, not so much, but I still think that Breakcore is really something that would generally sound a lot better if it was played at fewer BPM's. Just my personal preference really, and like I said, you have yours, and I didn't steep low enough to criticize your taste in music.

My problem with break core is that it is such a limited genre. So limited in fact that it becomes monotonous: it's basically break beats set over music. That's all well and good, and it'd be great if they did interesting things like polymetric music or polyrhythm but they dont.

It really is a boring genre and I honestly cant see myself setting more than 1 hour for it in a year.