Original Post
My Life
My parents are about to kick me out of the house.
I'd need a job fast.
But I can't seem to get anything done.
i have this total "I dont care"- attitude.
google told me I am a phlegmatic and I seem to be turning emo too
I really want to get my life working.
i hope you guys have some valuable suggestions

thanks in advance

Like I told you in IRC; either drop the attitude or accept responsibility for yourself and do something about your situation.
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'm just sad that I can't give myself one
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'd have a great time
Definitely sort out your problems with your parents and try to stay home until you get a viable job. If you don't have the will to, you're fucked.
i googled further and found out my problem seems to be listlessness.
well shit
i can stay at home for liek a month
i need 100 euros to pay as rent to my parents or i am out
Stop googling what "problems" you have and do something. Shit will just make you more depressed and/or "emo".

Also, :P
We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
maaan relaxxD get a 400€-job or something and chill.
also what helped me alot to stay cool with ma parents,was to see them more as friends than as "parents".that means to counter their anger with a "funny-friendlyness",not with hard words and tons of facts(<they will never listen to the factsxD)
edit:and stop smoking potXD
.....German Underground
Give your computer away.

I see you changing your Nick in IRC from one game to the other, pretty much all day long.
Without a computer, you will have no other choice but to do something more productive.
and what those guys above me said
<Alan> lol, rutz, it might be cool to smell your ass all the time you touch the mic