Its good, but what is stoping us from just saving that image to our coumputers? Is it like, were not allowed to take it until we pay 1.5K?
well, 1) the image isnt the palette itself, which is an actual window that you can open up and move around in gimp similar to the toolbox and paths etc..
2) i burned the hell out of it, the colors arent the same
3) the actual palette doesnt involve constantly moving between two gimp windows or working in extra tiny gimp

i know. read the bottom of the post ^_^ as for the gimp thing, theres this program you can download etc.. anyways, kind of a useless post dont you think? next time pm me ok

Well, I will donate you 1,5k for this palete. But I still think you should not sell it and give it to others for free.
<ganryu> Alan, sos mas idiota que tu gato
<ganryu> Alan, you're more idiot than your cat