Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Pc Problems.....
I don't want to get in to details, as I'm not sure whats going on and that the only real way of me showing you what is going on is with a youtube video, but the problem is I don't own any kind of digital video camera. I'll brefly describe the problem though, every now and then, I start up toribash and my screen goes kinda crazy, with random colors in what seems to be a pattern dancing all over my screen. Once I even got a blue screen. My drivers are up to date and Ive got a nividia 9400M. I also know that this is not just toribash, it has happened on Fightgear 2.0 too, and a similar thing has happened on BF2, exsept not when staring up and I can continue playing. One other possibility is that my graphics card dislikes shaders, even though I can usually get them to work. One other thing I want to mention is that sometimes after i start Toribash It waits untill Hampa has landed before saying "Toribash has gone unresponsive and needs to close". What I need to know is what version Directx toribash uses, so I can try reinstalling it. Any help will be greatly appreciated. -Graboy
Sounds like an overheating card

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Originally Posted by SkulFuk View Post
Sounds like an overheating card

Yeah, take out your card. Check if its fan is operational, if it has one.
Nah, its not overheating, Right now its running at 55 degrees Celsius, and it happens exactly when I start toribash. The screen spazzes, and I normally shut down my PC. I can see a white box where my cursor is. I cant even take out my card becuase I have a M17X Alienware laptop, not desktop. But what I asked was what version directx toribash uses, so I can try and fix it. -Graboy
TB doesn't use DirectX, it's OpenGL & SDL

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
I had a similar problem with my newer computer. Dead pixels appearing on the screen from time to time, random crashes without any explanation, blue-screen, it wasn't healthy.

I handed it in for repairs and it turned out that the GPU were defect and was replaced, no more problems anymore.

Thing is, I hardly believe there is any connection between the problems you experience and the ones I experienced, but I am just saying, some hardware could be malfunctioning. I tried to find a problem for ages but in the end I had to let it go and accept the fact that the error was nothing I could do anything about.

I handed it in for repairs, got a great upgrade and all for free due to my insurance.
Last edited by Madouken; Mar 31, 2010 at 01:57 PM.
Dirt dosen't need luck
Try getting the most recent drivers from nvidia website
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