Original Post
cool head kickoff
Hold all
Raise shoulders
contract pecs
contract left hip and left knee
extend ankles
make uke relax
space x5 (if u want it to spin do it space x5 and shift+space x2
extend knee
Re: cool head kickoff
yeah this is a good move but i think gif used it before you did but he didnt post it he just used it any way good job
*Lurking about*
Re: cool head kickoff
AFK = Away From Keyboard...

1 quick thing: what distance are the guys set too? the usual or higher? I can't seem to get this too work.
Re: cool head kickoff
Funnily Enough, I'm doing it on the Demo too, haven't gotten my Debit card through the post yet =P
Perhaps its just me being lame,
Re: cool head kickoff
Yeah, i thought I had to do both knees, It was just be reading it wrong...
That would be Awesome for AFK!... gotta remember this for another day!
Re: cool head kickoff
Version 2:

Hold all
Raise shoulders
contract pecs
contract left hip and left knee
extend ankles
make uke relax
space X1
Contract lext ankle
extend knee