Original Post
The Beatles
Please tell me if there is a beatles fan club, and if there isn't one I love to start one but how do you do this. Please correct me if there is already a thread on how to start a fan club of something. (p.s-Join the club if you love The Beatles, that is if I make one)
[18:19] <@Noah> we penetrate every orifice with corndogs
I'm pretty sure there isn't a fanclub made atm.

All you have to do is goto Community (located in the middle of FAQ and Calender) and then click groups. Somewhere there will be a Create Group button. Click it and do ur thing.
[18:04:54] <aracoon> Eureka is a powerhungry fag
[13:13] <Eureka> also dota is kinda for pigfuckers
[13:13] <jalis> ban eureka
[13:13] <jalis> thanks
best band in the world
go to to hear my crazy music or to hear my less crazy music

cloak174 100 tc Likes to Suck Iceblitz's Cock Iceblitz 2010-04-25 12:48:09

obviously iceblitz enjoys other men
the only thing i could say about them is: they made history in the world of music.
They were a great band. Very good music. And very good lyrics.
lol wut
It's hard to find a reason to hate the beatles. Even after entire discographies from other bands, singers, and rappers get old, the beatles songs are ones I hardly ever skip.

Edit: also whenever we disagree on what to put on, the beatles never fail to please us all.
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Incognito - [o]
are you joking? i fucking hate most of their work - it's generic, uninspired pop drivel that roughly equates(for its time) to music like Ke$ha and lil wayne. They produced far too much total crap during their existence as a band.

Now that wouldn't be so bad if they were talentless musicians, because then we could ignore them - problem is that they were also capable of writing very powerful and intelligent songs too, but simply couldn't be arsed to most of the time.
Originally Posted by H4rl3quin View Post
Now that wouldn't be so bad if they were talentless musicians, because then we could ignore them - problem is that they were also capable of writing very powerful and intelligent songs too, but simply couldn't be arsed to most of the time.

But they were still able to a lot of the time.
And those are the songs that people love.

For example, I've been working on a construction project at the university. Played the beatles in the background while working and over a dozen people who descended the stairs started singing along. It was pretty cool :]
Gimp is Pimp(tm)

DarkJak's Wide-Range Texture Shop[LINK]

Incognito - [o]