Original Post
[WIP] Style of Texturing
Well the style of texturing I am going for is the style that Mantrian does. He has always been my idol in texturing and have practiced many times trying to perfect it. Here is my latest copy. Yes I am a bit rusty but I just got off school holidays and have been studying for my term1 tests.

Anyways tips of advice
And I always get let down by the teeth ><
I like your style you are actually trying to do something original, not just make some emo head and slap headphones on it.

try shading the parts below the lips add a sort of chin and google ambient occlusion, I always think of AO when I shade my stuff
patience with the teeth man. smooth them out and do a simpl shade to them.
dont mirror them either, the middle 2 teeth look really off

if youre going for a mantrain type shade, gloss it up a bit, a bit of a white gloss shade on things. and random details, like a blemish on the sking somewhere.

the eye needs to be more subtly shaded, it looks like its been beveled then is flat, as apposed to it being shaded gradually to a round shape
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
more cnc?
crit#1: give us more to crit then :P you havnt done enough with the texture for us to give you any great crits on. doesnt help that youre working in 128 =/ if train was still texturing, then he'd work in 256/512 now that theres an official option.

otherwise upper lip is too high. if u did it high on purpose youd need a bit more definition on the gums.
and the lower lip needs more gradual shading into the rest of the face. ends kind of abruptly
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-

Heres another head I am working on,
oh and if you're wondering about the spikes around the mouth, they're meant to be sliced up gums.

Cnc please. C:
I love the original, but I dislike the wrapping black thing, and also that the eye has a gradient. It's actually not bad though, at least not on a flat texture.
Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
mirrored again...
gums arent that obvious yet

I haven't mirrored the teeth if that's what you're implying.
If not what mirroring are you talking about?


Newest updates of my head I am making.
Got a bit lost in making the eyes cause I was unsure of how to make it more circular.
The gums are my favorite part of the texture.
CnC C:
Last edited by McBurger; Mar 19, 2010 at 06:59 AM.