Original Post
[Account]Selling Account: Up2u

okey than.
i realy need the money fast now so i lowered the price to $30 or 599k Autobuy.
im not happy with it but it has to be, be fast first one gets it.
dont post here anymore, add my msn and we discuse:


Yea its true.
i am selling my mighty account with everything on it.
Accepting USD and TC for limited time, will change to USD only l8er.

Here is what you get:

Account Stuff:

- Nice account with 68 archievements!!
- Awsome name.
- Win/Lose almost 1.
- 5800QI
- Rank 23!!
- All item archievements avaiable for 9.999QI and lower.
- Toriprime untill 2011 - January.
- High Forum PostCount.


Demon force

Owned by 205 players.
Total in circulation: 245 (very rare on an 5800QI account)

Elf Relax

Owned by 164 players.
Total in circulation: 199 (very rare on an 5800QI account)

- Full Body Textures + DQ + Ground Texture + all 4 Trials + Flame Particle + All Gui Textures with nice pics!

- 50TC Booster fopr 3 more days.

- Much Chronos and Orc Items:

And the Rest of my inventory:

Deactivated (some one post plz)

This set is included!! (this only costs $10 + already!)

im not happy with it but i realy need the money now :/

$30 or 599k autobuy (cry's)
add my msn to discuse:
Last edited by up2u; Mar 14, 2010 at 10:09 PM.
umm is the account also offered withotuh the art? and do oyu accept trades?
#1 Student in the School of Orkology
Orko|Rob9722|Festus|MRootz|UNDEAD21|Deadlybash|Kun amikaii|
You can't really sell the texture set with this account since you are already auctioning it in another place, and people have already bidded.
Don't ask that please dorris they are QI unless stated (its actually against the rules). And he aquired them by means of no Qi as in he doesn't have the qi normally but if they are transfered the person being transfered to needs to have them.
Need QI?? =
yea thats right.

if you buy the account you can just wear the stuff sindce its on the account already.

Demon and ELf =
its realy hard to get Demon and Elf stuff on an account with 5800QI sindce you usaly need 20.000 and slipanc stoped selling No QI.

wen he sold no-QI he was selling 1 simple Demon Force for 700k.
that means this account is rare.


Text Set =

ToriBoy won the auction im handling on MSN if he would trade it back if i give him 20% of the money. that becouse this set just belongs to this account. its perfect set , bought for 400k.

No QI Demon and ELf price's =

also, the starting bid is $25 regarding to 1$ = 15k = 375k.
and the text set costed 400k, demon and elf would cost 900k + now to get on an 5800QI acc.
not even including the rest of the stuff.

that makes 1.3kk and you only have to bid $25.

Sounds fair right?
Last edited by up2u; Mar 10, 2010 at 09:28 AM.
Only one thing

it already has a nick history

so it needs 200k for it

also 500 posts count isn't that far

anyways since your selling it for usd and TC

may I ask if your leaving TB or not? <--- Deactivated items link

Also, you are way overpricing the demon/elf items. Just because they are on a 5th dan account does not increase their value much as you can't transfer them to accounts without qi. Resold text sets on accounts go to less than one quarter of the TC spent on making it. Factor in Toriprime, the rest of the items and the fact that the name has already been changed and you are probably looking at a 670k account, definitely not 1.3 million.
no im not leaving toribash.

i will play as much as now with the account: Xup2uX
just want to get or much Dollars or much TC so i can trade in set's
and get belts again.

also about the price.

im not saying i want 1.3kk for this, but if you would buy Demon and Elf relax and force on your own account that would cost you 1.3kk before,
but now slip isnt even selling no-QI anymore so i think it will be very very expencife to get that force and relax on your own account.

but still, first bid is $25 = 15k for $1 = 375k. (but wen paying with TC start at 450k)

450k or $25 for this account... say by yourselfe...
look whats on it

Toriprime, Demon Elf stuff, text items, Text set that is worth Much,
68 ARCHIEVEMENTS! that will cost you around 2kk to get.
also an nice name, good rank, good Win/Lose. and ofcourse the rest of the items.

say by yourselfe, thats an great deal as starting bid.
Last edited by up2u; Mar 10, 2010 at 04:42 PM.
up2u can sell the set.

we handled on msn, he gave me %25 of what i bidded if he could have uit back.

free $2.5, im starting to like this game