Original Post
So when i looked into my fraps folder these days i though:
"well there are a bunch of vids i think i should delete them. but first imma take a look how much space it needs." so i took a look. i was like "WTF"
cause the folder needed the space of 179 gb O_o so i deleted everything and my games run much smoother nao xDDD
so what about you guys? did your fraps folder also took that much space?
Check out my Youtube!
Well, the videos do take up an awful lot of space, especially without compression. I had a 5 minute video that took up 4.3 GB or something. You've been quite active with Fraps, haven't you? ;)

But yeah, if i were using Fraps frequently, the folder would be HUGE.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
My old picture folder was like 1.2 gb. It was all shit I drew o3o
To answer your question.
No, I don't use fraps.
I'm becoming INSANE
And I like it!