Original Post
Because im imba?? -_-
Im bored and dont feel like studying...
soooooo... the the qualities of being imba (uber leet, pro, fantazmagorical, supah, or whatever u prefer to call it)

Do you have to be black belt+ to be considered imba??
can a n00b who owns solid, but only uses ONE starter OVER and OVER again be considerer imba??
If someone who generally owns has a bad day and doesnt do so well, doesnt feel imba and gets taken for a w0p by the nubs... Is the person moderatly imba?
AND FINALLY! Do you consider urself imba? =?

Ur thoughts and ideas would be appreciated for the debate on "imba"

thankyou come again
Originally Posted by jamieshmamie View Post
What the hell is "Imba?"

DUH! N00Bs these days... What else did you think he would be talking about?
I'm not insane... just a sane person in an insane world!
Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
Im (uber leet, pro, fantazmagorical, supah, or whatever u prefer to call it)



and I actually met someone imba who didnt know wat "1337" was
imba is the short form of imbalanced and means if there are parts in the game which are programmed unfair. For instance if two people are fighting and the programmers gave the red guy insta hands. That would be 'imba'.
So it says kinda unbeatable.
Originally Posted by NutHug View Post
imba is the short form of imbalanced and means if there are parts in the game which are programmed unfair. For instance if two people are fighting and the programmers gave the red guy insta hands. That would be 'imba'.
So it says kinda unbeatable.

NutHug is IMBA
// It's not a synchronous operation.
// Someone could get in there with the shock paddles.
// At which point, I'd return()
while (1>0) { while(alive) {code();} if (!alive) {return;} }
I'm Chem Imba!
I can hear chants and incantations and some guy is mentionin' me in his prayers / I don't know what it is but there's definitely something going on upstairs

lol......happens to me all the day i own ... next day im being pwned by some noobos......but this
IMBA...first time i hear it .. and i dont think we need a word to describe every single thing...totally useless if u ask me ;]