Original Post
Gripfight mod

Do I need to say more?

You just grip to the platform above you and fight with your legs or one arm, as long as you don't fall. The red platform is instagib. Set engage height to 100, and for the best results, dojo size to a very small value, so if you get out of the platform, you get DQ'd.

Also, I acknowledge Bman94's swing mod is pretty similar to this. This can be quite different though.
I do not know if there's any mod that is the same as this, sorry if there is.
Attached Files
Gripfight.tbm (418 Bytes, 41 views)
say wut
cool mod
Je fixe les gens même lorsqu'ils s'en appercoivent...

Blame the fact that english is not my default language of communication...