Original Post
[Vid] Super Moves (Bust3r Vid)

Didn't wanna post it, since I had to rush it... but it's simple and it works. kthnx c&c n stuff. <3

Oh and CheZDa is awesome, nuff said. As most of you will notice got some inspiration from his vid. Including the song... About time someone used it again, it's been like a year.
HD LINK! (Use it or you're a <insert witty insult here>)
Last edited by Bust3r; Jan 26, 2010 at 12:36 AM.
We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
ohh nice
love the music <3
nice efects
Last edited by Degavar; Jan 26, 2010 at 12:28 AM.
..... Iz wasting the Tori Prime , because i can.
seen this on irc and i loved it. huck (i think it's huck. the guy with the red shaders that you see before you press play) would be better with a blue/dark blue shader though. 9/10.
gorgeous i love it <3. Fargle and rutz s replays are very good. The sync on 1:55 O: and the song... three words: i love it 10/10
Originally Posted by Gomesdead View Post
ohh nice
love the music <3
nice efects

Originally Posted by Rai View Post
seen this on irc and i loved it. huck (i think it's huck. the guy with the red shaders that you see before you press play) would be better with a blue/dark blue shader though. 9/10.

Yeah, very true. Could not find a good shader with those colors though, so meh.
Originally Posted by toril View Post
gorgeous i love it <3. Fargle and rutz s replays are very good. The sync on 1:55 O: and the song... three words: i love it 10/10

You make meh so happy.
Originally Posted by Nero View Post
Omg , perfect 10/10
Really good
end was awesome :'D
also you posted on wrong place

Yeah, I noticed. But a good ol' KiTFoX PM did the trick.
Last edited by Bust3r; Jan 26, 2010 at 12:32 AM.
We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
Originally Posted by Galard View Post
Gee I wonder where the beginning title is from!?!...coughs... Naa jk.
Loved it dude

Yeah, forgot to mention that. :P Credits to Galard for making me the BMC thingy yesterday!
We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
Got some mad skills there. ;)

I suck at actually commenting on videos, so I'll just be a douche and rate it.

9/10 well done.