Original Post
Jaska's MP mods
Last update 03.11.07

I did lot of Tweaking to DeathPlatform to make it as easy as possible, at its original format it was a bit too hard to start with (Idea came from [SyN]The_Legendary_Ninja)
so it should be somewhat playable MP for everyone now.

Everything is ungrab except the middle red platform. "spikes" are instagib.
Engage distance: 1100 (can be fine adjusted)
Engage distance: 750 (can be fine adjusted)
rest is up to you...

Gladiator was my second mod, friend of mine liked it so I tought someone else would like it so here it is. Very simplified and plain desing and colors. Everything is ungrab.
Engage distance 100-1??
Engage height 246

Im not too sure has anyone done this kind of mod before but its worth of try. You get launched up in the air, you can use the block as a support for powerful kicks or just crash your opponent on them when you are going down.

Engagedistance 200
Engageheight 200
Matchframes 500
Dojo:1 (optional)
Attached Images
1.JPG (40.5 KB, 50 views)
6.JPG (46.5 KB, 16 views)
screenshot-03-15-59-00.JPG (28.3 KB, 8 views)
screenshot-03-15-58-16.JPG (41.4 KB, 11 views)
Attached Files
gladiator.tbm (947 Bytes, 11 views)
palkit.tbm (563 Bytes, 10 views)
deathplatform2.tbm (1.5 KB, 9 views)
Last edited by Jaska; Dec 29, 2007 at 07:18 PM.