Original Post
I like this one^^
relax all
extend both ankles,
contract both knees,
contract both pecs,
grab both hands,
2x space

lower both shoulders,
contract both hips,
contract abs,
contract neck,
2x space
I don't get it... tori bust grabs uke and is left hanging from hi chest with his feet on his stomach...? or did i do it wrong?

Zinkon, that "random replay" is nearly a madman! great work

and mallipaa, couldn't you think of a better name than that (his name would be something like "cumhead" in english, at least if it's finnish)?
I refuse to grab.
Like CnC? Most people do. Be a dear and spread the love!
oh..Uke should be in holding stance.
it should rip uke`s both arms and chest off :o

and sorry for the name..just threw sumtin there -_-
ripped both arms, pecs and chests off, could have been a little bit better, i edited it into a decap ;)
i dont understand what u said

I think u said: Exemplar nää no confound marshland.