Original Post
Cant play fps on my pc?
i installed warrock. after 27% update it stops and wont do anything.
i installed operation 7. the walls always look gray and it lags like hell.
i installed Combat arms. it says "losed connection"

i think its cause of my f***in vista.
somebody knows how it could work?
Check out my Youtube!
I love how whenever their is a problem, "It's vista." Maybe your graphics card fails or something. Or maybe your computer doesnt <3 you.
<Kips> and doesn't know how to spell emperer
Half of statistics are only 50% correct during sundays
I don't think all of those problems would be caused by Vista itself.
Atleast in the case of Operation 7 and Combat Arms you might have Windows Firewall blocking the connection. Might also be your internet connection
Also, what kind of a computer are you using? Try changing resolution and stuff.
The problem with Warrock might be about Firewall or the updater itself or your internet connection.

E: To the person above: Vista often causes weird problems, that is why it's often the first suspect. And while it might not be Vista itself, but rather some odd setting/feature in it.
Clan Blood Leader
Meh, i donīt think itīs vista problem. Warrock works fine on mine.

Originally Posted by Ssenkrad View Post
Maybe your graphics card fails or something.

quoted for truth.
This sig lacks creativity.

True Story.
my pc and graphic card r new they cant be the problem.
i usually play in 1280x1024 and everything runs smooth even on the highest graphics.
i reinstalled all the games min 7 times.
Check out my Youtube!
Poor graphic card would explain the problem with Operation 7 and maybe Combat Arms, but I can't see how a graphic card would affect updating process since patches and stuff are usually downloaded via the launcher, not the game itself.
And because software problems are usually easier and cheaper to fix than hardware issues, I prefer starting to fix uncertain problems from software side.
E: @olik: no matter how new and expensive your computer is it still might be a hardware issue.
E2: @olik: But I still think this is a software issue.
Last edited by Hopea; Jan 3, 2010 at 10:45 PM.
Clan Blood Leader
Try updating your drivers and turning down the settings.

Also, what graphics card are you using? That might help make sense out of this.
i liek turtelz xd
Originally Posted by olik7891 View Post
i installed warrock. after 27% update it stops and wont do anything.
i installed operation 7. the walls always look gray and it lags like hell.
i installed Combat arms. it says "losed connection"

i think its cause of my f***in vista.
somebody knows how it could work?

I have Vista, and i've also played all of these games. So vista has nothing to do with your problem.
Yeah, i'm the Boxman
<~ishi> damnit ishi where are you.
Problem 1: Most likely a common loss of stability on your Internet connection, specially when under streess (downloading a lot).. Or maybe the warrock servers are under maintenance/there is a problem with a corrupted/missing file

Problem 2: Update your graphics card drivers.
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