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Question for choosing a power supply
When I'm looking for power supply, do I get one that meets the requirements of the highest part, or do I add them all together?
i liek turtelz xd
If you have the money get a Corsair PSU. Good quality, man!
"There is enough on earth for everybody's need, but not for everyone's greed." - Mohandas Gandhi
Unfortunately, I can't use a lot of money. Only ~$800 budget. But I can still build a nice-ish computer with that.
i liek turtelz xd
Originally Posted by jaredvcxz View Post
Unfortunately, I can't use a lot of money. Only ~$800 budget. But I can still build a nice-ish computer with that.

Unless you're thinking about getting SLi/Crossfire, overclocking the CPU, and having tons of HDD's simultaneously, then Corsair CX400W isn't that expensive and should be enough for your $800 budget PC. The wattage itself is not enough. You need quality, efficiency and stability so you can preserve all of your components and save money on the long run. I'd say the power supply unit is one of the most important components when building a new computer. Too bad a lot of people buy cheap OEM power supplies and end up having stability issues or worse: frying their hard disks/motherboards after some time when there's no UPS protecting the PC.
Last edited by GenkiSudo; Jan 4, 2010 at 11:35 PM.
"There is enough on earth for everybody's need, but not for everyone's greed." - Mohandas Gandhi
I'm using a Rosewill powersupply, and I'm overclocking. You need to know what parts you're using to calculate voltage, and shoot for about 200W over that at least to cover for capacitor aging and potential lack of amperage. Brand doesn't matter, read reviews and find the one that is cheapest, most reliable, and best fulfills your needs.

Note: Unless you're literally using a piss poor 20$ PSU, it's very unlikely that it will backfire and kill your components.
Originally Posted by Stonewall View Post
Note: Unless you're literally using a piss poor 20$ PSU, it's very unlikely that it will backfire and kill your components.

I'm pretty sure thats the case for a LOT of people. I work @ a computer store... People always forget about the PSU, they just care about the size/performance of RAM, Disk, Processor and GPU... They only look for the big numbers, Everything else they go for the cheapest stuff they can find.
Thats why a lot of them will buy a fail 1.5GB GPU that is unable to make a good use of all of that memory (like this one: ) rather than making a conscious choice by getting a decent 512MB GPU (but with better specs than the 1.5GB one) together with a decent PSU... lol
And even those who care a little about the PSU will choose a OEM 700w over a good certified 400w PSU that is more stable and more than adequate for what the PC needs
Last edited by GenkiSudo; Jan 7, 2010 at 04:54 AM.
"There is enough on earth for everybody's need, but not for everyone's greed." - Mohandas Gandhi
Originally Posted by Stonewall View Post
I'm using a Rosewill powersupply, and I'm overclocking. You need to know what parts you're using to calculate voltage, and shoot for about 200W over that at least to cover for capacitor aging and potential lack of amperage. Brand doesn't matter, read reviews and find the one that is cheapest, most reliable, and best fulfills your needs.

Note: Unless you're literally using a piss poor 20$ PSU, it's very unlikely that it will backfire and kill your components.

I'm relieved that your rosewill one is working great! I saw mine for half off on newegg on new year's, with almost all good reviews, so although I hadn't heard of the brand before, I thought it shouldn't be too bad. It was cheaper than any corsair psu that I needed (100 bucks back then! It's back up to 150 now). Plus I hope the semi modular cables would help to improve airflow.

It's coming in tomorrow. Hope it works.

EDIT: did more searching for reviews.
I'm surprised at how much more complex psu's are than what I used to think.
Last edited by DarkJak; Jan 7, 2010 at 06:21 AM.
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Originally Posted by jaredvcxz View Post
Never mind I used this calculator to find the power requirements

Thanks for providing the link about the calculation of PSU.
I used the link and found that one I am using now is lower then the require,
Is it possible that it works fine even with the lower PSU then the reuqired one?