Original Post
[DSC] Alt.
Im not sure if this is a horrible breakage of rules, if so, please let me know through PM and I will kill the clan.

Clan Alt.

Clan Alt will be different from other clans, our member base will comprised of only alternate accounts. We will maintain anonymity in the larger community, and we will most likely never apply to become official.


Sometime shortly after the fall of the man of G, Player X discovered that it can be great fun to wear a disguise and prowl the battle field, seeking out the famous warriors, and "owning" them under the guise of a "noob". Player X enjoyed this so much, that he decided it was an experience he would like to share with others.


The only goal of Clan Alt is to provide a place of enjoyment to members who have been around for a while and would like a chance to play without being known. Depending on what happens, we will most likely be a game centric clan, with minimal forum activity. This may change though, depending on how things go.

To Join.

To join Clan alt, post here USING YOU ALTERNATE ACCOUNT. You may post any info you like, aside from the name of your primary account. After posting, send me a PM telling me who you really are. No person will be accepted with an account that is either A: known to belong to the primary person, or B: Over Yellow belt in Qi. After posting, an ingame meeting will be held in a private server with an ambiguous name. Once in game, the aplicant will be required to log out, and log back in under their primary account, to prove they are who they say. In order to be accepted, your primary account must have a join date that indicates a decent amount of time in the community, and preferably have some form of forum or ingame notoriety.


All basic and global forum and game rules apply, if you are accepted, you will already know what those are. The key rule of Clan alt is to NEVER reveal your primary account to ANYONE (including your BFF and primary clan members) outside the clan. Remaining anonymous is the foundation of Clan Alt, and if that is broken, the clan will suffer greatly. Clan alt members will know our true identity, but anyone caught spreading that knowledge outside of the clan will be kicked without question. Also, clan alt members should still avoid the beginner and intermediate servers, we arent out to beat new people and make fun of them after all, because that's just kinda lame.

Clan Tag.

Clan Alt members will NOT wear a tag.

Evitanretla : Leader, founder, white belt.
Trablotaz: The first. An excellent dancer, white belt.
Manmaman:Ma man, man, man, ma man, man. white belt.
Daesu: Some how this name was not already taken. white belt.
CBK: The cuddley, bubbley, killing kind of guy.


Lol, you lost to a white belt =-3

Last edited by Evitanretla; Dec 31, 2009 at 08:19 PM.