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[Petition]Wushu needs to have some fixes...
I don't know if this was discussed yet but I think it should be discussed and changed.The current fracture threshold found in wushu 7 and 8 is too low,you can't comeback without being frac'ed,now some of you may tell me that you should be careful with coming back and all but if the solution is so easy why not change it.The old wushu mod was really doing fine.Fracs shouldn't come easy such as extending your wrist.Also their are some glitches in wushu such as you can't relax all if you frac'ed a knee that should be fixed.
Conclusion:Wushu is probably one of the most played mods in toribash and it should have minor fixes to make it better.So I created this petition to see If I have the approval of the community on this.
It's all about bruises.
Every time I see someone complaining about random, odd etc fractures on Wushu, they've always been about bruises.

Bruises last longer than you think.
They last VERY long.
Even after the red has faded from you. Idk if it really has completely faded, but at least it doesn't show as bright as it did in the start...
And you know, bruise makes stuff break easier...
Just don't use the joints with bruises so much.

Because of the amount of complaints about this, it really makes me feel I'm the only one who knows about this.

Also, just make a new server with Wushu with more fracturethreshold if you don't like it...
Originally Posted by Tonakai View Post
It's all about bruises.
Every time I see someone complaining about random, odd etc fractures on Wushu, they've always been about bruises.

Bruises last longer than you think.
They last VERY long.
Even after the red has faded from you. Idk if it really has completely faded, but at least it doesn't show as bright as it did in the start...
And you know, bruise makes stuff break easier...
Just don't use the joints with bruises so much.

Because of the amount of complaints about this, it really makes me feel I'm the only one who knows about this.

Also, just make a new server with Wushu with more fracturethreshold if you don't like it...

How are we supposed to know if a bruised joint is still bruised if it's not seen,it's not really possible to memorize,still sometimes if I'am not even touched by anybody I get frac'ed,also what problem could you possibly think about if you raise the frac threshold a notch also I don't want to create a new server,you know I earn tc in the official wushu servers and I have more fun there.(I probably spend 1 hour a day in wushu8 )
I think you're missing the point, the fracture threshold is that low so that you have to be careful and make your movements more flowing and natural like wuhsu appears to be in real life. If you're getting fractured when you're attempting to make a come-back or move somewhere you're doing it wrong.
Originally Posted by william405 View Post
How are we supposed to know if a bruised joint is still bruised if it's not seen,it's not really possible to memorize,

It isn't possible to memorize?
How it's not? EDIT: Ah well, disregard this... It's only about the person, and we can't argue about that. :v
Also, as I said, I wasn't entirely sure if the bruise color would disappear completely, but it still would be in effect.
Cba to try now...

Originally Posted by william405 View Post
still sometimes if I'am not even touched by anybody I get frac'ed,

That's what you think.
There is an explanation for every fracture and dismemberment.
I do know it after over two years of experience...

Originally Posted by william405 View Post
also what problem could you possibly think about if you raise the frac threshold a notch

Except maybe more complaints.
Last edited by Tonakai; Dec 28, 2009 at 12:13 AM.
I think you're missing the point, the fracture threshold is that low so that you have to be careful and make your movements more flowing and natural like wuhsu appears to be in real life. If you're getting fractured when you're attempting to make a come-back or move somewhere you're doing it wrong.

Your argument is false.If it is something that this frac threshold is doing is that it discourages people to making comebacks and putting more joints on "stake",because they fear of losing.
Last edited by William; Dec 28, 2009 at 12:19 AM.
No you're still not getting it, the whole style of the mod is supposed to be based around fluid movement as opposed to using large amounts of force. The way they achieved this was to have a low fracture threshold so that if you don't move correctly or place too much force on a joint because of a short stopping distance you will fracture that joint. It's in the mod on purpose, by all means go ahead and make a new mod with a higher threshold, but it won't be wushu.
Last edited by TeapoT; Dec 28, 2009 at 12:32 AM. Reason: spelling mistake