Original Post
Ps3 Trophies
Hey guys, i was just wondering what trophies you guys have.

And what your opinion on trophies are.

Imo trophies are a great way for the developers of games to give a game more replayability and its always a good feeling when you get a platinum and you feel you have achieved a great thing.

What do you guys think?

EDIT: i will edit this post and put peoples platinums on here
Need more posters cmon guys

Platinum list:

CiaoTime: Res5, Burnout Paradise.

Eddy1217: AC2, MW2, Uncharted 2.

HebrewHamr: Borderlands, almost Platinum in Assassin's Creed.
Last edited by Malvado; Jan 28, 2010 at 10:52 PM.
If you update your first post with peoples trophies etc. I may consider stickying this.
Yeah, i'm the Boxman
<~ishi> damnit ishi where are you.
Uh, I haven't checked in a while. I have about 570 or so trophies, platinums for RE5 and Burnout Paradise, and a near platinum on MW2. Good stuff.
I have a platinum in Borderlands and a almost Platinum in Assassin's Creed.

<suomynona> It might kill you, but, that's the worst it'll do