Original Post
[Shop]The Texture Nook

Hello and welcome to our Shop

We are flamespike and xxdejanxx and this is our Texture Shop.

Here you will be able to buy many things.
We are offering you Avatars, Signatures, Heads, Texture Sets.
We give our best to please all your Texture wishes.

Textures by xxdejanxx


From the hidden laboratory,far under the ground,mad scientists created a robot, called the "Cykaibot".
Its original purpose was to rid the world of all evil, but it failed to fulfill its purpose.
It started destroying everything in its path.

Gorai mask

The latest technology, combined with the worlds smartest scientists, became a mask that is able to do anything.

Text Set/Head/Artpiece of the Week

This is a special Offer,
we sell this Masterpiece for insane -1K TC

Every monday we change the artpiece of the week, always for the insane price of 1k tc.

We try to make our prices as fair as possible, if you think a price is too high,
we can negotiate about it and maybe come to a conclusion.

Range from 3K-10K

Texture Sets
Range from 10K-50K

Range from 3K-5K

Range from 5K-7K

Who you want to do the order: (xxDejanxx or Flamespike)
How much are you willing to pay for it: (prices are posted)
Style: (xXDejanXx -Robot,Human,Tribal.Flamespike - Emo, Robotic, and Armorine )
More info:(Here you say the colors you want etc.)

We will try to do your request as soon as possible (1-2 days)
1. Flamespike

Thread renamed. Please do not post a second thread for a shop when it is still open. If you still have problems with the thread, please PM me. ~Chozo
Last edited by Chozo; Jan 25, 2010 at 03:35 AM.
Accept items? If so.

Set made by Chron
Tribal style, colors Pink(Amnethest) and grey(aurora)
Mah inventory check and pick items to equal 5k
bring back wibbles
Who you want to do the order: xXDejanXx
How much are you willing to pay for it: 2-5k depending on how good
Style: I on't know,just an avatar..
Tint is sex.
Fightback please fill out the request form.

Who you want to do the order: (xxDejanxx or Chronicx)
How much are you willing to pay for it: (prices are posted)
Style: (xXDejanXx -Robot,Human,Tribal.Chronicx - Emo )
ummm dude relax.... I know your brother... and anyway: is there any information lacking you? It says I want an EMO head form CHRONICX and I'll pay 1K... k?
7th Dan
As Free as I can be.

Who you want to do the order:chronicx
How much are you willing to pay for it: 1k-3k
Style: Emo, headphones.

Could you add headphones to that, and instead of purple strips, red?
Last edited by TyZi; Dec 26, 2009 at 07:29 PM.
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up