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Stargate: SGA/SG1/SGU
'sup, I was talking with war_hero about stargate this morning and a_coathanger also made a stargate comment in a thread. Therefore, I decided to make a stargate thread. So is anyone currently watching Stargate Universe? I don't really like it and really wish they had just continued with Atlantis, they never really tied up the Wraith storyline. So yeah, discuss anything stargate related in here. :U
lead Sigma
Yeah, the story's often pretty weird. I mainly enjoyed SG1 for the random episodes where they encounter and alien race/device and it follows the format of.

All is good, another mission completed, 'oh no we brought something evil back', 'oh yay we figured out how to fix it', 'oh fuck now we've got to fix it in time' and then they fix it and O'neil makes an unoriginal one liner. Credits roll.
lead Sigma
I was like that with the first 11 or so episodes of Atlantis. I was like, man this new shit sucks where my daniel jackson. However it got better over time as they stopped the really early completely story driven introduction episodes, I'm hoping universe will go the same way.
lead Sigma
I like these shows always give me a good idea into a world in which this stuff could happen.
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