Original Post
[Auction]2 Flames! Toxic and Amber!
I sold the other flame(toxic), so i'm selling this one: (this is the same, the amber.)

Minimum raise: 0.5k
Auto buy: 45k

Huszti is leading with 35k.

end date: 48h after the last bid.

I accept items too.
Last edited by Supernada; Dec 12, 2009 at 09:25 PM.
Anythin i've got that takes your fancy? I won't bother linkin you as you seem to be able to do that for yourself
Look in my inventory and at ma TC's etc and see if anything takes your fancy in exchange for the flames, and I ment you saw the others guys TC's and items and such so I won't link you so take a look and tell me what ou might want.