I dig it, but the text could use a little work. Maybe straighten it out and use regular TB font?
I am neither Oyster nor lsl.
Warcry you are the bomb.
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'm just sad that I can't give myself one
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'd have a great time
It's really nice but I think it's a little too flashy in contrast with your sober avatar. Nice work though, the background looks very neat.
/me drools.
Edit: I'm bored so I thought I'd critique it in as much depth as possible.
It's a very pretty sig and a good use of colours however, in a sig the render has to be the main focal point. In your's the first place my eye is drawn to is the text, which looks nice but shouldn't be the main focal. You can try and do this by centereing the render a bit more and making the text slightly smaller.
The sig also lacked a bit of depth. Depth is how well the focal/render pops out or how 3D it is. You can create this by blurring the background slightly and sharpening the render. Take my sig as an example, I wanted the head to be my main focal so I blurred the body and sharpened the head. This creates a little more of a 3D effect and makes the render look like it is coming out of the background.
Next thing I'm going to critique is how well the render blends with the background. Tbh, it doesn't blend very well. A few ways to solve this would be to smudge the render a bit, take my sig as an example. Or include C4Ds and other effects. I see you used an outer glow around the edge of the render, this is a big no-no.
Text is nice for the purpose of having a big bold snazzy title but in future sigs, try to tone the size of the text down a bit. Text looks best in sigs when small and close to the render. Try to avoid big custom fonts. Tahoma, calibri and couple of others are generally the nicest ones in sigs.
Overall, it's a good sig for the purpose however, if this was was posted on a proper gfx forum then you would recieve a similar response to that. I'd give it a 6/10.
There is something about it that looks seriously sexy though.
Last edited by surf; Dec 3, 2009 at 09:50 PM.