Original Post
Who Wants to be an FM-Superstar??? (The sign-up thread)
First things first, for those of you that don't know: Football Manager is the longest, most successful, (and best) managing game around. It's all about leading your team through victory through buying, selling, and tactical tinkery. We're now come to FM 10, the second edition to have a 3D match engine.

FM games come with a nifty little editing tool that allows you to edit players, clubs, aswell as making your own players. This combined with my "1337 h4xx0r ski11z" (basically just knowing how to use it) enables me to start an experiment/project/game.

Questions start here:

Q: How will it work?
A: Basically, you fill out the form below, I'll add you as a clubless talent with high potential, well-known by many talent scouts. The players will be picked up by clubs eventually, which is largely random beside the player's own preferation and the clubs' need/interest in him. I will be filing reports on how things are going, as well as handing out screens and such if requested. (There's a limit to what I can and will be arsed to show though.)

Q: Do I have to do anything but sign up?
A: No. All you do is sign-up, then watch and hope for the best.

Q: Will age be important?
A: Everyone will be born in 1991, only the date will be an issue. This is to ensure that everybody has progression potential and don't get a head start.

Q: Will everyone be just as good?
A: No. I will actually roll a dice to determine how good people start out, and I will set a fluctuant potential ability. (The ability system in FM branches from 1 to 200, where 1 is bad and 200 is kickassish. The potential ability I'm setting will make the engine set a random number between 150 and 200.)

Q: Do I have to set a favourite club?
A: Only if you want to. A player with a favourite club will often end up at that club and stay fiercely loyal to it, with the advantages and disadvantages that comes along with it.

Q: What are sympathy clubs?
A: Clubs you like, but wouldn't quite get in line to watch. Like that girl at school you'd tap if slightly inebriated.

Q: Do I have to be completely honest when filling out the form?
A: Not at all. You can lie about anything. Although, try to keep it within the borders of realism. No making a 8 foot tall midfielder from Mars, for instance.

Q: What do you want to know in the pros/cons part?
A: Anything that springs to mind that could be relevant. It's a pretty in-depth simulator and I'm pretty creative, so it should be easy to implement it.

Q: Help! I'm a total noob and I don't know anything about positions!
Don't fret. You can read quickly about positions here, in my first proper version of this experiment.

Physical and/or Mental Pros:
Physical and/or Mental Cons:
Favourite Club:
Sympathy Clubs:
Disliked Clubs:
Preferred Position:
Anything else: (shirt number preferation, place of birth, et cetera)

I will be setting up a 26-player limit for this one. (That is, 25 + myself.) I will also set a limited number of "main positions" for people. Oh, and you can't be both outfield and goalkeeper.

Spot 1: fat0ninja
Spot 2: eddy1217
Spot 3: VX

Spot 1: Loachflava
Spot 2: tacoBELL
Spot 3: wiirus
Spot 4: william405
Spot 5: Tart
Spot 6: Zeromano
Spot 7: Kyat
Spot 8: Take-Out_Ninja

Spot 1: RedDevil
Spot 2: BlakNWyte
Spot 3: Shin-Ryuu
Spot 4: calebgamb
Spot 5: Tapion
Spot 6: Guv_na
Spot 7: Rustler
Spot 8: JesseBean

Spot 1: Fourfive
Spot 2: destiny
Spot 3: Larfen
Spot 4: fireless
Spot 5: fireeyes
Spot 6: Gomesdead

Wildcards: CMon, AlexOwnz

There will be another thread once I've got all positions filled. This is just the sign-up thread. The BIG thread is coming soon
Last edited by CMon; Dec 6, 2009 at 04:09 AM.
I don't know anything about football, but here goes

Nationality/ties: USA
Birthdate: January 19th, 1991
Height: 6'0''
Weight: 160
Physical and/or Mental Pros: a natural athlete. light on his feet and great awareness of the field. not injury-prone. not selfish with the ball.
Physical and/or Mental Cons: tends to want to fall back into a support role, hates responsibility of being in any leadership position. has sloppy fundamentals, which leads to things like wiffing kicks. gets distracted somewhat easily
Favourite Club: n/a
Sympathy Clubs: n/a
Disliked Clubs: n/a
Preferred Position: midfielder
Anything else: desires the number 4
Last edited by BlakNWyte; Dec 2, 2009 at 12:58 AM.
Birthdate:May 21, 1991
Physical and/or Mental Pros:Very speedy, Has great leg power,Great awareness
Physical and/or Mental Cons:Might miss a shot he should make once and awhile
Favorite Club:Real Madrid
Sympathy Clubs:Manchester United
Disliked Clubs:None
Preferred Position:Attacker
Anything else: Secondary position midfielder?
I'm on a quest to make a clan that will rival the power of [rawr] any name ideas? PM me
Nationality/ties: German
Birthdate:November, 30th 1991
Physical and/or Mental Pros:is a trickster
Physical and/or Mental Cons:tends to risk too much
Favourite Club:none
Sympathy Clubs:none
Disliked Clubs:none
Preferred Position:none
Anything else:desired number 88
Last edited by destiny; Dec 2, 2009 at 03:21 AM.
Nationality/ties: Poland
Birthdate: 23.12.1987
Height: 5'7"
Weight:165,3 lbs
Physical and/or Mental Pros: Speedy, Agressive
Physical and/or Mental Cons: Rough player, tackles much
Favourite Club: Manchester United
Sympathy Clubs: FC Liverpool
Disliked Clubs: none
Preferred Position: MF
Anything else: shirt number: 13
<evil> srsly people forgot that most part of toribash community is douchebags... lead by shin
Nationality/ties: America
Birthdate: 10/11/1991
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 175 lbs
Physical and/or Mental Pros: can sprint fast, high enthusiasm
Physical and/or Mental Cons: Bad long distance running, tired easily
Favourite Club: n/a
Sympathy Clubs: n/a
Disliked Clubs: n/a
Preferred Position: Attacker
Anything else: number 69
[12:00] <fudgiebalz> toribash SUCKS
Check my ~~~Dank Replays~~~
Physical and/or Mental Pros:fast runner
Physical and/or Mental Cons:slows down on long runs
Favourite Club:n/a
Sympathy Clubs:n/a
Disliked Clubs:n/a
Preferred Position:Attacker
Anything else: (shirt number 25)
Last edited by fireless; Dec 2, 2009 at 03:44 AM.
Anime United
Nationality/ties: ORSTRALIA
Physical and/or Mental Pros: Dunno... Reflexes?
Physical and/or Mental Cons: Fitness, mostly.
Favourite Club: ARSENAL
Sympathy Clubs: Manchester United
Disliked Clubs: Chelsea
Preferred Position: Goalkeeper.
Anything else: not much.
Nationality/ties: Australia, part Irish and part Italian
Height:168cm I think
Weight:48 kg
Physical and/or Mental Pros: Reflexes and running hard, endurance.
Physical and/or Mental Cons: Fitness
Favourite Club: Manchester united
Sympathy Clubs: Idk...Socceroos?
Disliked Clubs: Anything not Manchester united or socceroos?
Preferred Position: Midfielder xD.
Anything else: A pink top with unicorns and ponies and the number 7 for fantabulous luck!
Nationality/ties: Norwegian
Birthdate: 25/05/92
Weight: 54 kg
Physical and/or Mental Pros: good at long runs,
Physical and/or Mental Cons: slow runner, doesn't go that much into tackling, but tends to do
Favourite Club: None
Sympathy Clubs:None
Disliked Clubs: None
Preferred Position: Attacker or Midfield
Anything else: Shirt number 7
Sigma | Gata
Lost pet looking for home