Original Post
Planet Earth video
Just a sweet 'wild life' highlight i found.
Now i know video topics aren't appreciated in Rapid Threads, but this one isn't stupid enough to deserve wibbles....and those are the only 2 options.

Nice video, has anyone seen the documentaries on TV? It's my favorite nature series. The footage they managed to collect is incredible.
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Awesome footage, by a British TV program may I add ;)
I don't suppose anyone has the seen the footage of an orca (killer whale) attacking a great white shark? Now, THAT is simply mind-blowing.
[2nd Dan]-[Sigma]
Gynx's brick pimp ^^. "Gynx": A brick has holes, what more do you want?
there is also the very cool "great white jumping" clip where it shows a GWS jumping, to catch a seal. in slo-mo too.
My seniority means you should probably just agree with everything I say
wow!, the fast the flowers change! i also got impressed by the quantity of birds!! Very good video and the short images give a good impresion of the video.
Good Choice.
I've seen the whole documentary, it's really beautiful, especially the great white shark clip.