Original Post
Your Username
How did you come up with it and why did you decide to use it for Toribash?

Mine was just a random thing I came up with (along with my sister, helping) by looking in a Game Informer magazine. Found the word "maniac" and went with "MrManiac." I've used that for almost everything else since then.
Mine was just off the top of my head, I wanted something short, simple, but cool, so I was browsing the net for something when I found a picture of a virus, then I instantly thought "Dna", actually, the other part, Madness was just something I thought up sometime ago.
OBJECTION! ||| EX-Member of [NewBoyz], Glad to have been. ||| Brown Belt. ||| In the awesome clan of [Pest]. FUCKYEAH!!
i thought about something like "dead" or something like that, and my brother came with the idea of "you are dead" and i said. Great idea!! and well, so my user name is "YouaredeaD"
lol wut
I am 100% sure there is already a thread like this, in this same board. Go find and revive it if you really need to, this one's closed.