Original Post
[REL] Massive Slides

Steep Version / Less Steep Version

Okay.. there's a lot I can say about this so bare with me.

Starting with the steep version.. and the slide in general.

The Whole Slide is practically non-frictional.

The Red Rail at the very start is grabbable and is the only thing grabbable in the mod. If you don't like this change the flags to 6 (/set flags 6).

DQ is on in multiplayer by default I think but you might want to turn it off (/set flags 2) because occasionally, maybe every hundred or so games, a glute will get caught in the middle of the slide and shoot downwards. I'm not sure if this happens to other body parts I've only seen the glute do it.

Engage Distance is set default to 200 but can be changed at will between 40 and 600 I suppose depending on how you like to play. I wouldn't recommend anything higher than 400 or lower than 80 though. I'll post an example replay of what can be accomplished at 400 Engage Distance with a little creativity.

Match Frames and Turn Frames are DEFAULT. For gods sakes if this gets approved for multiplayer and you want to play it, change these.. I left it open-ended because everyone is different for what they like for turnframes and match frames. From the testing I've done usually about 750 match frames is a good amount for a longer fight, as for turn frames that's really up to you guys because I can play with just about any turn frames.

Speaking of open-ended.. A lot of the mods I've made over the past year have been open-ended in terms of preference (mostly MF and TF, but in some cases gravity or dismember/fracture thresholds) because everyone's different for what they like and don't like and people change their minds rapidly for what they want to do or see. Even I have changed what I like.. I used to play in regular gravity but now I prefer sambo only because of the way the models behave when you use them.. it's more of a challenge to actually get attacks off sometimes but when you do they look stunning. Thus, this mod has been made for sambo, but don't make that detour you from just typing /set gravity 0 0 -9.82 if that's what you like. I'm not saying I don't like low grav or I wont play it.. because the truth is, if the mod is fun enough I'll play it with low grav because I actually find that attacks are easier to pull off.. to be honest I just really hate the airtime some newbies get because you have to wait for them to get back down.. like in this mod, for example, if you play low grav there's a way to clear the blue barrier VERY EASILY, thus, can result in draws or unfair/annoying running away. Also on this note, the Red Rail at the beginning of this mod can be the whole focus of a match and fun in it's own way. If grabs start bothering you however, there are ways to actually turn the focus to slide instead, in multiple ways; You can turn grabs off, you can set rules for your server if you're op and tell people "no excessive rail grabbing" or even tell people that they have to let go of the rail by a certain frame (the way I see it this will segment a match into 2 parts: the rail openers and the slide fight ) and if people don't listen and you're op, you can just kick them. Mind you, try to warn people but remember that folks from all over the world play multiplayer so they might not understand your language.

Anyways I got carried away.. uhh.. Gravity yeah.. All I was saying is that in low gravity the game ends in a draw sometimes. I personally like when someone wins and someone loses.. although sometimes you might have fun in a draw match just fooling around... so really, feel free to change the gravity or any settings for that matter.

Lastly.. Have Fun!

P.S. Another rule I found fun during testing was set the engagedistance to 400, the gravity to 0 0 -9.82 and tell people that they have to make an effort to jump off the blue wall behind them before they can attack.. if they miss then you just fight, and if you both hit it you still just fight but you can get nice wall jump attacks.. people obviously not making an effort you can decide to kick or whathaveyou.. maybe keep them around if they're bad at playing anyways :P (Replay of simple wall jump example attached)

P.P.S. to quickly find the mod in singleplayer just press "ctrl+m" then "m" and scroll down once.
Attached Files
MassiveSlide.tbm (1.5 KB, 32 views)
MassiveSlideSteep.tbm (1.5 KB, 23 views)
BigSlideWallJumpOffEg.rpl (94.2 KB, 17 views)
Last edited by DoubleDagR; Nov 20, 2009 at 11:26 PM.
/set gr 0 0 -30
Meh, I just don't want people asking me why I put settings a certain way.. because they're all changeable anyways.. even the objects in the mod itself can be changed so instead of people asking me 'why?' or asking me to change things.. they can quite easily do it themselves...
/set gr 0 0 -30