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Let's play Lugaru: Overgrowth

All some of you may know, wolfire games is creating a game called Overgrowth. This game is a sequel to their previous game Lugaru, a game based on the adventures of an anthropomorphic rabbit named Turner. This game was credited with having a very realistic fighting system and being horribly addictive.Overgrowth will play host to the same streamlined fighting system but this time using comprehensive tools that they developed themselves.

What's it all about?
Overgrowth picks up where Lugaru left off, with the world in a state of de facto anarchy. After killing the corrupted king, Turner, the main character, refused to take his place, instead choosing to leave the monarchy headless and wander the island in search of some new purpose. This video better gives you a sense of what to expect.

Concept Art:
Concept art is a big thing in the developing world of Overgrowth. Displayed below is some cool art that wolfire's artist, Aubrey Serr, created.

Wolfire is currently putting out weekly alphas that you can use to test physics, make maps, and also rig and animate 3D meshes. Check it out.

The developers are completely indie and funded by people pre-ordering Overgrowth. It costs 29.95$ USD and you can purchase it here.

*Please not this is a purely fan-made thread and not directly associated with wolfire games.
Last edited by awsomeson; Dec 7, 2009 at 11:27 PM.
since 2.24
I tried Lugaru. It was pretty cool. Unique combat system.

I'd consider buying it if it were a bit more like a standard RPG. Armor, weapons, upgrades, skills. Not sure whether Overgrowth has this or not.
EDIT: Nvm. Just watched the video, and the sandbox mode looks awsm. Though I still reckon it'd be cooler with a little more RPG elements.
Btw, fix the video.

Only include that random letters after the = sign.
Last edited by DeeJayy741; Nov 19, 2009 at 07:54 AM.
I had completely forgotten about this game. I got it when it first came out, mainly because they gave it away right at the release. The game itself is pretty epic, although if it were more like what DeeJay said, it would be a lot better.

EDIT: Just found out I have more free copies. I've got the serial for one, and if you give me your email, I'll get the other sent to you. IT IS LEGAL.
Last edited by tacoBELL; Nov 19, 2009 at 02:54 PM.
Bounafizta says:
My love for u has gotten me detention like 4 times lol
hey tacobell, can i have the other? And overgrowth is the new version as opposed to lugaru (the game they gave out to get the publics attention for this game when they announced it). This is Lugaru 2 basically. Just to clear the air Overgrowth will be a far superior game and also it wont come out for a little while. Probably in 2010 sometimes though.
Last edited by awsomeson; Nov 19, 2009 at 06:13 PM.
since 2.24
What are you talking about? the graphics are a lot better.
Last edited by awsomeson; Nov 19, 2009 at 08:18 PM. Reason: c
since 2.24
Definitely going to buy this game. I loved and played Lugaru for ages when my brother bought it for me, heh.

And this looks like the same game I loved with major improvments. I really like the new graphic engine. Hopefully it will live up to expectations.
i have preorderd it a while ago and usually talk to the developers on irc the alphas are awesome them selfs.
The modality of it is awesome and the mapmaker is great so everybody must buy it.