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Them Crooked Vultures
I'm busy nowadays so pretend this is a compensation for the lack of a weekly.

What do you get if you take Joshua Homme (legendary singer/guitarist/everything of bands such as QOTSA, Eagles of Death Metal and Kyuss), Dave Grohl (legendary drummer/singer/everything of bands such as Nirvana and Foo Fighters) and John Paul Jones (legendary bassist of Led Zeppelin AND NOTHING ELSE), put them in a bowl and mix the fuck out of them?

You get Them Crooked Vultures. A mix of talent so insane that it just has to be a sensational trio, right?

If you've got any expectations towards how you think it would sound, you're probably right. If not, you can try picturing Led Zeppelin crossbred with Queens of the Stone Age with a touch of grungy Foo Fighters and added marijuana. Homme's love riffs certainly shines through, along with his signature "woozy" way of singing that made QOTSA so recognizable. Dave Grohl truly shows what a fantastic drummer he is at times, and it's pretty obvious that he's taken some inspiration from John Bonham aswell. This is possibly a side-effect of their awesome bassist, who certainly isn't happy with just playing regular *dun-dun-dun* rythms all the time.

I think this album is awesome. Sadly, I don't think most of the public will think the same. This is mostly because the band members haven't really been aiming to please the mainstream crowd with this one - hell, they probably just figured "yo dudes now that we've smoked crack together, why don't we visit the record studio in my basement and record something rad". It's really...innovative and when it comes to the mainstream, innovative is not good. Anyways, this album is oozing of talent, creativity, and at times, downright brilliant riffs and sections. Too bad they just have to be so damn, different, eh? ;P

Eh, there's nothing wrong with that though. The trio takes a triple shit on the face of musical conservatism, and I can appreciate that. "Musical laws? Fuck that shit. If we want to include a Mandolin, we include a Mandolin, and who the hell said you can't make a song sound like a collective Led Zeppelin orgasm?"

List of songs, with recommendation values (all songs are worth a listen):
Italic: Good song
Bold: Very good song
UNDERLINED BOLD CAPS: Bricks have been shat

1: No One Loves Me & Neither Do I
2: Mind Eraser, No Chaser
3: New Fang
4: Dead End Friends
5: Elephants
6: Scumbag Blues
7: Bandoliers
8: Reptiles
9: Interlude with Ludes
10: Warsaw or The First Breath You Take After You Give Up
11: Caligulove
12: GUNMAN - seriously, this song features the most badass riff of the century. I'm not joking, it's so awesome you will cream in your pants (provided you're wearing them). Nobody has topped this in the last ten years and if you disagree you must be brain damaged.
13: Spinning in Daffodils
Last edited by CMon; Nov 17, 2009 at 11:30 PM.
I'll go check it all out. Sounds pretty cool with John Paul Jones being in the band. Personally, I'm just tired of seeing Dave Grohl everywhere.

Gunman - Very weird vocals, kind of a turn off for me, but I do like the riff.

New Fang - Nice bassline.

Scumbag Blues - I like. Has Zeppelin roots, drum beat especially.

Elephants - Yes.

Dave Grohl and John Paul Jones are a great rhythm section, here. But, the vocals once again are a turn off. This is a good band. :>
Last edited by Degradation; Nov 21, 2009 at 03:40 AM.
Ohyes I love this album. I've been listening to it over and over again for the past few days.

Bandoliers and Interlude with Ludes are 2 of my favorite on the album.

In Bandoliers, the riff is great and the song is chill, or something, I don't know exactly why but its awesome. And I really like the awkward dark swampiness of Interlude with Ludes.

Also Homme's vocals are amazing, I love the way he can sing odd rhythms and make it sound awesome.

But its not really that innovative. Its pretty much an extension of QOSTA but with John Paul Jones.
Last edited by War_Hero; Nov 18, 2009 at 12:29 AM.
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well
They're good stuff. But all the hype leads you to think you're gonna hear something in the calibre of zeppelin.. i was kinda disappointed but it's good music nonetheless.
Isn't Josh Homme in like three bands? And Dave Grohl as well?
Oh well, don't be swayed, it isn't a bad thing.

It's definitely a good idea to put a Zepplin person with a QOTSA person since bluesy stuff is what I found the best out of the two bands.

Have you heard The Dead Weather? It's another one of these bands with people who are already famous, and awesome musicians.
Originally Posted by Puffbunny View Post
Have you heard The Dead Weather? It's another one of these bands with people who are already famous, and awesome musicians.

Dead Weather actually dissappointed me quite a bit. It went strange and lazy -beyond- the stuff that Jack White usually does, and I didn't actually like their album that much. (Don't get me wrong, I don't hate it, it's just not that...good. Compared to their pretense anyways.)

Originally Posted by War_Hero View Post
But its not really that innovative. Its pretty much an extension of QOSTA but with John Paul Jones.

Incidentially, the songs you're describing are very QOTSA. Elephants, on the other hand, sounds more Led Zeppelin than Led Zeppelin ever did (maybe save for Homme's vocals, which reminds me of David Bowie in some parts of the album).

For the record, if anyone you ask have a particular relation (fan-wise, etc) to any of the bands the members hail from, they'll usually claim that they resemble said band more. To my experience, atleast. I like all bands that are in the mix and find elements from all of them.
Last edited by CMon; Nov 21, 2009 at 01:11 AM.
Originally Posted by Puffbunny View Post
Isn't Josh Homme in like three bands? And Dave Grohl as well?

Originally Posted by CMon View Post
Incidentially, the songs you're describing are very QOTSA. Elephants, on the other hand, sounds more Led Zeppelin than Led Zeppelin ever did (maybe save for Homme's vocals, which reminds me of David Bowie in some parts of the album).

For the record, if anyone you ask have a particular relation (fan-wise, etc) to any of the bands the members hail from, they'll usually claim that they resemble said band more. To my experience, atleast. I like all bands that are in the mix and find elements from all of them.

Thats probably why qotsaness jumped out at me first, but the different element show more the more I listen. I think Homme did a lot of the song writing though.
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well