Original Post
Handstand kick, a true relax-kick decap, and a sambo headbutt-decap
Well, about the "true" relax-kick decap, i've seen a few others claiming to be relax kick decaps, but the knee was extended before contact with the head, i present to you, on that doesn't (relaxkick decap by twistshock).

Handstand kick, well... My basher is standing on his hands, sort of, and rotating the legs above him to hit the enemy, it is not the initial attack, it's the second (Mawashi ryuu).

Sambo headbutt decap, pure luck (sambo, headbutt decap).

These replays are a bit old, but i didn't think of posting them until now ._.
Attached Files
sambo, headbutt decap.rpl (36.7 KB, 32 views)
Mawashi ryuu.rpl (57.5 KB, 27 views)
Last edited by Twistshock; Sep 6, 2007 at 08:40 PM. Reason: a . too much
Sambo headbutt = ultra pwn
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